Chapter Six

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Hello my carrots. Wassup? So, it has recently come to my attention that certain people do not know what they are worth. So I've decided to tell them. You see this world? *gestures to the world, then points to a globe* That is how much you are worth. To me, anyway. I may not know your name, or where you're from. I may not know you personally or at all, but you are still worth the world. Each and every one of you is special. You might sing, or dance, or write poetry. You might write stories, you might do gymnastics. My point is, you are as much a part of this world as I am, and I don't think the world would be the same without you. You can tell when the world loses someone to themselves, either with a razor, with a gun, with a belt hung from a ceiling fan. You feel an emptyness, maybe only for a second, but you still feel it. Please, don't make me feel tht again. I love each and every one of you, never forget that. That being said, I'd like to dedicate this to IfYouDiedYoung, a seriously underappreciated person. We love you IfYouDiedYoung! NEVER forget that.


Sylvia's POV

-------------First Night of Cemo----------------

It hurt to be me. The pain was endless, never stopping. I had a steady pain beating against the inside of my skull, and it felt like my insides were made of lead. I was constantly throwing up, and my mouth was sore and foul-tasting. My hair was tangled and sweaty, and beads of persperation dotted my forehead.

------------That Morning--------------------------

I couldn't see anything but blackness. The pressure in my head had burst, and my limbs were ridged. I was shaking and I couldn't stop. Not shaking, convulsing. I couldn't think, couldn't feel, couldn't speak. I had no control over myself. I couldn't stop what I was doing, I couldn't start anything new. I was helpless. Then I felt Niall's hands on my back, Niall rolling me over, Niall holding my hand. It brought some control, enough that I could squeeze his hand to let him know I was okay, at least from where my conciousness is at the moment.

The doctors were saying something to Niall, and he was arguing right back. Then i heard a muttered curse, a closing door, then only the murmers of the doctors. Slowly I regained control of my body. I stopped convulsing, my limbs relaxed, I could think and feel again.

I wished I couldn't.

It hurt. I had pain shooting up and down my body, pain shooting all around my brain. I gasped, and slowly the pain subsided. I felt slightly ditzy and also dumb, like I had just been born and didn't know how to do anything.

Niall came in eventually.

He sat down in the chair next to mine and grabbed my hand. He kissed the tip of each finger, making me giggle. "That tickles!" I slurred, giggling harder as he did it again. He smiled, and my heart just about exploded. I lifted his hand and did exactly what he had done the my hands to his. He grinned. "You're right, that does tickle." He says, laughing. I grin, and he grins back, kissing my fingertips again. I yank back my hand. "Stoooop!" I whine. I look at the doctor and grin. "How long do I have to stay here, Doc?" I asks, and he smiles, shaking his head. "Well, your tests came back alright, so I should guess immediatly." I grin even wider than before. "Yay! Niall, we get to go home!" I yelp, clapping my hands. I look around. "Where're my clothes?" I ask, and Niall grins. He points to a chair and I push off my covers. I try to stand up, but it's hard. Eventually, I get myself into a semi-upright position. I stand up on shaky legs. I wobbled over to the chair and grabbed my clothes, the same ones I had been wearing the day before. Not the h=whole day, so we should be good. I shoved Niall and the doctor out of the room and got dressed quickly. I needed a shower, and soon. I ran a brush through my tangled and greasy hair, giving myself a mental note to ask Niall for a shower when we got to his house, cause thats where I was going.

Niall's POV

I couldn't believe that Sylvia was getting out of the hospital less than an hour after having a seizure. Then again, seizures may be a symptom of brain cancer. Brain cancer. The thought makes me shudder. I wait patiently outside Sylvie's room, and soon she joins me at her door. I can tell by her expression she started losing some hair while brushing it. I hug her and she pressed her cheek to my chest. "Niall?" she says. "Yeah, babe?" I ask, using a term I rarely do. "I'm afraid." she whispers. I press my cheek to her thining hair. "I'd be surprised if you weren't. If it were me, I'd be jumping out of my skin." I hesitate. "But I'm afraid even though it's not me. I'm afraid for you." I stop, and she looks at me curiously. "Why?" she asks, her voice trembling. I look into her eyes and my heart melts when I see honest confusion and innocence. "Because," I reply slowly. "I love you." She looks at me for a few seconds, digesting what I just said. I stand there and watch her watch me. It's like I have the world wrapped inside my arms. "I love you, too." She murmers, then buries her face in my shirt.

A few minutes later we're sitting in the car again, and she is looking out of the window sadly. I glance at her every now and then, trying to absorb her face so it's imprinted in my brain in case she... in case I lose her. She runs her hand through her hair and looks at the handful of black strands in it. She looks at me numbly and throws them out the window. My poor Sylvie. I pulled up in front of my flat and stepped out of the car. I ran around to Sylvia's side and opened the door for her. I watched a small smile play across her lips, and I knew she would make it through this. She had to.


Hello my carrots. Relativly short chapter, but it tells how Sylvie's doing. Sorry Izzy, couldn't work your charrie in this chapter, i'll try to get her in within the next two. I love all of you guys!

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