Chapter Three

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Cliffhanger last time huh? I have been forced to talk in a British Accent for a week, so I'm gonna call you My Little Brits for the time being, just until I figure out a better name. Love ya! Enjoy! Oh, and this chapter is dedicated to RainmistCierren, my BFF in real life. Read on, My Little Brits!


Sylvia's POV

The first thing I see is a blinding white light that makes me clamp my eyes back shut. When I open them again I can make out a face above me. I reach up and touch it to see if it's real, and I brush my hand over the blurry faces cheek. Then I destinguish blue eyes and blonde hair. Niall. He presses my hand to his cheek, and something splatters on mine. A tear. "Oh Sylvie." He mumbled. "W-what happened, Niall? Where am I?" I asked, my voice cracking. His face was becoming less blurry, but I was starting to wish it would stay blurry, because he was crying and it hurt me to see him in pain. "You're in a hospital, love." He said, and I closed my eyes. A tear of my own squeezed out and wound a long and suicidal path down my cheek. I wiped it away impatiently. I struggled to remember something, anything. I remember putting my stuff in my room, then... oh no. I remember wetness, touching my nose, seeing blood, then my legs failing. Then nothing. "What's wrong with me?" I asked with a voice that shook more than a massage chair. Niall grimaced and took my hand, removing it from his cheek. I had forgotten it was there. "Nothing." he said firmly, and squeezed my hand. I smiled and nodded. Just then a doctor came in looking grave and sad. "Are you an imediate family member?" He asked Niall, and I gazed at Niall for about a minute. "Yes, he is." I said, and he smiled. "Sylvia, I regret to tell you you have a tumor in your brain. We do not yet know weather it is cancerous or not, but judging by the size, it is. I'm sorry. We sent the CAT scan results and the MRIs to a specialist to have them examined. If it is cancerous, it is inoperablte at this size. We would need to do several rounds of strong cemo therapy, and if it worked, it would reduce the size enough to make it opperable. Again, I'm sorry." With that he walked out of the room. Panic threatened to choke me. Brain tumor? Possibly cancerous? Inoperable? My mind filled with a jumble of words, and I sat up. "But... I... it can't be... not me... I'm... Tumor? In... me? I..." I couldn't go on. I started sobbing. Niall made a strangled sound and wrapped me in a hug. I sobbed into his shoulder. He moved the tray out of the way and lay down next to me. I rolled so I was facing him and burried my face in his chest. I felt his shoulders shaking, and that made me feel stronger for some reason. "It's okay to cry." I said, pulling back and stroking his face. "I don't mind." That made him cry harder, and now it was HIM sobbing into MY chest. I stroked his hair and murmered in his ear. "Shh, shh. I know, I know." I started singing the first song that came to mind.

                                                         Come stop your crying,

                                                         It'll be alright, come take my hand,

                                                         Hold it tight, I will protect you from all around you,

                                                         I will be here, don't you cry.

Slowly, his crying stopped. He looked up at me and gave me a tearful smile. "You have a lovely voice." I grinned. "Not as good as yours." I replied. He smiled and hugged me. "Don't go!" I begged. He smiled again, and his eyes softened, and I saw something there I hadn't seen ever before. "Wouldn't dream of it. Go to sleep. I'll lay with you till you wake up." He said, and I smiled. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep with his arms around me, his cheek pressed to my hair, and my face buried in his shirt.

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