Ch.1: Attack

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Dear Diary,

Tonight will be the night of the ritual. The ritual Klaus will perform so he can phase. But in order for it to go through, he'll need to drink from and kill Elena Gilbert. He'll also need blood, a witch, and a sacrifice.
What are my thoughts on this? I say he won't do it if I can help it. Elena is the last of my human Petrova family. I'll stop at nothing to save her life; keep her alive. I must protect her. I must be there for her. I can't lose my family again. It would shatter me to bits more than last time, if he kills her.
Damon and I are working together to find out how to stop it. But what if we can't? What if we're too late to save her? What then?

-Katherine Pierce, 2005

It's a dark night in Mystic Falls, Virginia. It's a full moon night. The night of the ritual. We thought we had everything planned out, but we didn't. Klaus kidnapped Elena. I'm running through the woods at vamp speed, heading for the heart of the woods. Damon said he would be on his way. He just has something he has to take care of first.

Twenty minutes later, I stop in the shadows of the trees. I see the horrific scene. Niklaus is just seconds away from finishing drinking from Elena. Elena is just about going limp. I can hear her heart slowing and her breathing turning shallow, her eyes just barely open. Stefan is trapped in a circle, surrounded by fire and in pain. The witch and Elena's Aunt Jenna are dead.
"No!" I yell.
At vamp speed, I run towards and slam into Klaus. We land on the ground, me on top, until he rolls on top of me and pins me there. Elena is on her back on the ground still. And that's when it happens. He starts to phase into a werewolf. I push him off me and get to my feet.
Just when I start to run towards Elena to help her, Klaus in werewolf form, lunges at and pins me down to the ground. Now I look up at a missive, brown werewolf. Then I'm attacked.
As he attacks me, I try to get free from him, but I can't. As he scratches and bites me, pain surges through me. I know I'm in danger. Klaus has bitten me, and is still biting me and he's half werewolf. A werewolf bite is poisonous and deadly to a vampire.
As I weaken, I hear Damon yell out my name.

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