Ch.3: Dying

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I don't know how long I was out, but when I come to, I'm in Damon's bed in his room at the Salvatore boarding house. Damon is standing at my bedside, looking down at me.
"Damon," I breathe, weakly looking at him.

I'm so weak and hungry. I know I'm dying. And I'm so torrid. I know I won't be in existence much longer. I can feel myself slowly dying.
"I'm sorry. For everything. I never wanted to hurt you. I have always loved you both. I never chose either of you," I whisper in truth.
He sits on my bedside.
We look at each other.
"I forgave you a long time ago, Kat. There's no need for apologies," he informs me.
A sharp pain shoots through me and I gasp in pain.
"Kat, it's okay. You'll be okay."
"I'm dying. How will I be okay?" I whisper.
"Because we'll find the cure. I have Bonnie asking the witches. You'll live."
"You don't know that. I can feel it. It's close. Death is close," I susurrate. "I love you," I then add.
A moment later, everything goes black for me.
In the next instant, I'm in my past. It's the sixteenth century in Bulgaria. I see the villagers that lived in my village, as I look down at my village on a hill. I see my family, too. I relive it all. I see everyone in my village lying on the ground, slaughtered. I miss them so much, but I miss my ma'ma more.
A moment later, I'm in 1864 in Mystic Falls. It's winter and the night of the vampire raid.
I stop in the middle of the street. I know I must go, but I love them both so much. So I must go to them. I run towards them and kneel down between them. Damon and Stefan are dead. They were shot by their father when they went to rescue me.
I touch the side of Stefan's face with a gentle hand.
"I'll see you soon, Stefan."
I turn to Damon, hand off Stefan's face, and whisper in his ear, a gentle hand on the side of his face.
"I promise we'll be together again soon. I love you both. Protect each other for me. I'll be with you again when I get the chance. I love you, Damon."
I stand up and rush towards the coach where my vampire friends, Pearl and Anna, are waiting for me.
As my coach starts moving, I look out the window silently and look at the Salvatore brothers still lying there. I wish I could stay with them, but if I don't leave town, I'll surely be killed and my first rule for myself is always survive. My second rule is to always stay one step ahead of the enemy. Besides, I don't know how far away from Mystic Falls Klaus is. And if he finds me here, he'll kill me. I can't let that happen. I have to survive. I have the Salvatore brothers to live for, and I'm still in search of my long lost daughter my father took from me. I want to be reunited with her someday. My only human family I have left. I know I'll never be reunited with my human family Niklaus slaughtered, for they are dead. And they didn't have vampire blood in their system when they were killed.

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