Ch.2: Extricater

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Dear Diary,

Tonight is the night that Klaus will do the ritual to break the Moon curse. But Katherine and I won't let him do it if we can help it. If it involves Elena, we'll stop it or try to stop it. I love Elena and would die for her. Kat would, too. I love Kat, but only because of the sire bond. All in all, I'll stop at nothing to keep the ones I love safe.

-Damon Salvatore, 2005

As I run through the forest, I hear Katherine screaming in pain. I hope I'm not too late. But if I am, Elena will come back. I force fed her my blood this afternoon. I love her too much to lose her. But as I get closer, her screams stop all together.
When I arrive, I see the scene.
"Katherine!" I yell, as I run towards her where Klaus is attacking her.

A moment later, I slam into Klaus, throwing him off her, protecting my sire. He lands against some trees, as I race over to Katherine.
I kneel down beside her.
"Damon," she breathes.
"I'm here, Kat."
As I pull her gently into my arms, she falls unconscious and goes limp in my arms. I want to get to Elena first, but Stefan's trapped. I'm on my own. I have to get them to the Salvatore boarding house one at a time.
I race towards the boarding house, Kat in my arms, knowing Kat is dying.

 Once in my room, I gently lay her down on my bed. I then kiss her forehead lightly before speedily leaving to go get Elena.

Ten minutes later, I'm back in the woods knelt beside Elena. Stefan and Klaus are gone. I pick her up and speedily run towards my place.

Once in Stefan's room, I gently lay her down on his bed. I then hold her up and bite my wrist, putting it to her lips, positioning her head back, as to make my blood go down her throat.
Ten minutes later, I lay her down and leave the room.

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