Ch. 4: The Plan

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As Kat gets to her feet, I help her with a gentle hand on her arm. Once she's on her feet, I let her go.
"We need a plan to take down Klaus," I announce.
"We need white oak. It's the only thing that will kill Originals," Ric informs us.
The Whickery bridge sign is made out of white oak," Kat announces.
"Then let's take them all down."
"We need a concrete plan, Damon," Elena reminds me.
"What's the plan?" Ric questions.
"We make stakes out of the sign, call Klaus up and tell him we are handing Elena over to him, tell him to meet up in the heart of the forest, and you and I go for him with stakes," I answer him.
I look between the two Petrova bloodlines.
"Stay out of it, Elena. And Katherine, when the fight starts, no matter what happens, back off. Don't do anything stupid."
"Because I'll get myself hurt or killed," Elena says with a hurt expression.
"Damon's right," Ric says.
"I'm sorry, Elena. I wish you could help," Kat sympathizes.
"Then it's settled. Let's get that sign and make some stakes," I say.

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