3//reds and blues

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Carolina POV

I let out a strangled scream as I awoke from my nightmare. Church appear above me.

"Calm down calm down. It was just a dream", he said.

The faces of the reds and blues dieing came back to me.

I started to cry. York then came back.

"Can you calm her down", church asked him. He nodded and came to sit by me.

"What happened",he asked me.

I shook and hugged him. He rapped his arms around me rubbing circles on my back.

I leaned I to him and closed my eyes. Sleep over took me again.

Time skip brought to you by: McDonald's

Yawning I awoke to a snoring York. He had rapped his arms around me pressing me to his chest.

Yawning, again, I looked around. The sun was almost up.

Getting up was a struggle.

York tussled a bit but then returned to his peaceful state.

I looked in my bag digging for food. I ended up grabbing an apple and some turkey.

Church appeared above me.

"Do you want to talk about last night",he asked. "I seen you, the reds and blues, and everyone i ever knew die", I told him.

He nodded and the memory came back. York hugging me comforting me.

"Hey Lina what's for breakfast", York said. Looking at him, he rubbed his eyes.

"Whatever's in this bag", I tossed my food bag at him. He dug around in it as I looked for cloths.

I'm going to need to wash my clothes soon.

"Hey Lina do you have anything I could ware", York asked.

I shrugged and dug through the bag. Pulling out a par of pants I gave them to him.

"We're going to be leaving soon. I need to get back to wash and them", I told him packing up are camp.

"Wait wash", York asked. I looked at him and nodded. "Yeah Washington survived", I told him.

He, north,and wash we're good freinds back at prodject freelancer.

"When can we go see him", York asked. I laughed at his inthuisim.

"Well im going to check up on them. Who knows what trouble they have done", I chuckled to myself.

Putting his pants in the back I grabbed some cloths.

"Don't watch me while I change", I told him. He covered his eyes.

"It's not like I haven't seen you naked", he muttered. I blushed and changed out of my clothes.

I put on my shirt over my bra and looked at York. He was looking at me.

"Did you just watch me", I asked him blushing again. He was the only one that could make me blush like that.

"York I really don't like you watching her change", church said confirming my suspicion.

Checking to make sure are armor was strapped down I looked at York.

"Do you want to drive", I asked him. He shrugged "I haven't drove in awhile. So will have to see", he said jokingly.

I giggled then clamped my hand over my mouth. I hadn't done that in awhile.

Looking down I frowned. York put his hand on my cheek. "Hey it's ok to laugh", he said.

But was it really?

      Time skip brought to you by: Starbucks

"Ok we have about 3 hours till we reach are ship", church said as York started the warthog. York said he wanted to try and drive.

"Why did we have to fly so far away", I complained to church. His holographic figure shrugged "well for reasons more than necessary".

York laughed as I grumbled about are ship. "So who all will I be having to meet", York asked.

I chuckled as he glanced at me.

"Have you heard of the red and blue soliders of prodject freelancer", I asked him. He nodded"well those are the guys I work with".

He laughed and church appeared.

"I wonder if caboose has killed everyone yet", church sounded hopeful. I laughed a little"do you really wish that",I asked. He shrugged"a little bit".

The warthog hit a bump and I sprang from my seat,being small sucked, and nearly fell out.

Just as I was about to fall out York had reached his hand out and grabbed one of mine.

Pulling me in I held on to his arm. "Sorry I told you I sucked at driving", he said.

He held my hand for a few more seconds then rested his hand,that still held, on the center console.

I awed at the action. He loved to hold my hand. Yawning I leaned back and began to relax into sleep.

Life sucks

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