21// injured

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I sat reading a book when kimball rushed into my room.

"Carolina, york hes been injured", she said.

Fear took place in my body and I instantly got up and followed after her.

"What happened", I asked.

She paused for a second before speaking. "He was stabbed in the stomach. I dont know how bad it is but there was blood. Hes alive though".

People stared at us as we ran through the base and then we stopped at the hospital wing.

Rushing in I looked around.

There were a bunch of people who were injured but eventually I spotted yorks tan armor.

I ran torwards him before I seen his body.

York was laying on a bed sleeping.

He didnt have a shirt on but his waist was wrapped with a cloth.

I ran to him and rapped my arms around his back, burying my face in his neck.

"Hey there lina", york said, kissing my cheek.

"You could of been killed", I mumbled.

He nodded before turning me around so I was in his lap.

Unknown to me tears were slowly falling down my face.

"Oh no", york said,"carolina I'm right here with you. I'm not hurt that bad".

He tried to dry my tears, he eventually gave up holding me to his chest rocking me back and forth.

"Hey, oh, is she ok", said wash.

York kissed the top of my head and nodded.

"You ok", wash asked to york.

York shrugged, " it dosen't hurt, I should be able to go home if this one want to get up", your joked.

I shook my head.

York chuckled"well shes not moving so I'm going to have to carry her".

He picked me up with ease, and walked alongside wash.

"Any news on felix and locus", york asked.

"Yea, locus helped fight with the red and blues to defeat felix, he fell off a cliff and is presumed dead, after that locus left", wash replied.

York nodded along as wash spoke.

"Are people looking for felix", york asked, and wash shrugged.

"Theres not much to find, he couldnt of survived a fall from a cliff that high".

We arrived at are room and york walked in and sat on the couch, with me still in his lap.

"See lina I'm ok", york said.

I glared at him," I'm a little mad that you almost died, but I'm glad your alive".

York chuckled and put his hands on my belly.

It hadn't grew alot but you could tell a small difference in size.

York yawned and I looked up at him.

"Do you want to sleep", I asked him.

He nodded his eyes starting to close.

"Hey we cant sleep yet, we gotta get to are bed", I told him.

He got up still holding me and walked to are room.

He laid down on the bed, hugging me to his chest.

"York let us breath", I said.

He loosened his grip but kept a hold onto me.

"I love you", he said lazily.

I smiled,"I love you to".

I'm trying to get this book done, but some stuff has came up.

It may take me till next year(2020) for this book to be done.

But theres maybe 2 or 3 chapters, then there will be a few extra chapters of there life with the baby.

So I better get to work, yay.

Love you all ❤❤❤

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