7// the room

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Me and york opened the door to a beautiful living room/ kitchen.

It was a beautiful room.

I sat down my bag and took off my helemt.

Setting it down I began to take off my armor.

Hearing york unzip his under armor I turned to him.

"Can you help me", I asked him motioning to my under armor.

He stepped closer and unzipped my under armor.

Stepping out of it I was pulled into yorks arms.

He kissed my neck and I shuddered.

"Let's go to the bed", york said.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bed room.

Time skip cause you know what's goin on

Me and york were naked in bed.

He was spooning me, tracing circles and shapes on my back.

"I didn't hurt you did I", York asked me.

I smiled and turned my head to face him. "I'm a strong girl", I told him.

He kissed me on the lips laughing.

"Yes you are I just was wondering cause you havent done it since me. Have you", he asked.

I shook my head and laid back down.

"Goodnight.... I love you", was the last thing I heard York say.

Sup my peeps
This isn't the best I got bored
Also i wish you to follow my sister @carolina30057fan
She named herself in honor of me
So follow her

Lina out

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