20// I promise

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I sat down eating some food waiting for York to get up.

Today was the day that they were going to take down locus and felix.

The little kicker, york had nicknamed the baby, was starting to stir so I had to get up.

Eating my hashbrown I started to feel dizzy.

Fucking sickness.

I rushed to the sink and though up.

As I heaved up my hashbrown, I felt someone pull back my hair.

"Were going to do this every morning aren't we", york joked.

I glared at him before heaving up more.

When I was done I sat on the floor.

York sat beside me" the little kicker, kicking", he asked.

I nodded and started to fall asleep.

"Lina I have to go soon so do you need anything", he asked.

I shook my head"promise you will stay safe".

"I promise", he said.

"Baby kicking", wash said appearing out of nowhere.

"Yup", york said rubbing my arm.

"Im going to go get ready, you should to York", wash muttered before wandering back to his room.

"I probably should go get ready", york said.

I watched as he got up," ok I'll stay here".

He bent down and them lifted me into his arms.

"No your going to sleep in our bed", he said.

I didnt try to put up a fight o just fell asleep in his arms.

So I'm trying to finish this book. I need ideas though.
Theres probably 3 chapters left. But if you peeps can give me ideas I could make more chapters. Just don't make then sad.
Thank you and enjoy

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