10// cliff

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York POV

When Carolina came out of the temple she was shaking.

"Are you ok", caboose asked her.

"Ye..yeah", she said but her voice sounded as if she had been crying.

She came up to me and hugged me as church appeared.

"I seen jackshit in there. Just static", church said.

"Maybe I should go in there", I told Carolina.

She shook her head and clung onto me tighter.

"I'll only be gone for 5 seconds", I told her.

She let go of me and sat on the ground.

"I'll be back. Love you", I called to her.

She nodded and watched as I walked into the portal.

When I went into the portal I couldn't see anything.

"Hello", I said to nothing.

I tried to move but I couldn't.

I called out again to nothing and then I was in a snowy place.

It was snowing lightly and there was 2 people below me.

Looking closer I seen Maines armor and then a aqua colored armor.

Looking closer I seen Carolina armor.

She was limping away from the crashed mother of invention.

Maine was following behind her,like a cat stalking its prey.

He held his brute shot tightly.

She limped away as maine began to walk faster.

She limped to the cliff and then looked at maine.

He was growing closer to her.

She pulled out a single knife and looked back at him.

"Lina run", I shouted.

She didn't hear me.

When he got closer she,still limping,jumped at him.

But she wasn't strong enough.

He got her by the throat and lifted her up.

Screaming at him was all I could do.

He ripped out her a.i chips and blood dripped onto the ground.

He tossed Carolina body over the cliff as I struggled to move.

Yelling was all I could do.

Her body fell and I watched it all happen.

Her with fear in her green eyes.

That's when I was tossed out of the portal.

The blues and Carolina were all looking at me.

Carolina wasn't really looking while church stood above her.

Tucker walked up to me.

"What did you see", he asked.

I shook my head and sent to sit by lina.

I pulled her close to me and she sniffed. She wasn't ok.

"Let's go for a walk", I told her.

She nodded and got up.

Telling them we were going for a walk they nodded and caboose fell in the portal.

We walked off and I placed my fingers through hers.

"What did you see", I asked her.

She let out a whimper and clung onto my arm.

Stoping at a cliff I sank down pulling her into my lap.

She took off her helmet.

"I seen you die,church die, I seen everyone I loved and knew die again and again", she said.

I took off my own helmet and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

She began to sob and I could only comfort her.

"Dont every leave me", she said and I put 2 fingers under her chin tilting her head my way.

"I promise I won't leave till the day I die", I told her.

She nodded and kissed me on my lips.

We sat there for a few more minutes before she lifted her head.

"Do you hear that", she asked.

I listened closer when I heard the voice of the mecanary guy we fought off.

"We gotta go help those idiots",lina said putting her helmet on and handing me mine.

"C'mon", I told her and we ran off.

2 chapters in a day

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