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Yawning I looked up. "Good morning sleepyhead", york said looking at me.

I yawned again and looked around noticing we stoped driving.

"How long was I asleep", I asked him. He shrugged. "About 4hours", he said.

I began to freak out.

"Why didn't you wake me up", I asked sounding crazed. "Calm down", he said placing a hand on my knee.

"Is this your ship", he asked as I looked up from his hand.

Looking at the ship I nodded. The stolen ship had the freelancer symbol on its side.

"Yeah this is it. Church", I asked, church appearing. "Yes Carolina",church asked appearing in front of me. "Turn her on", I told him.

He nodded and york looked at me funny. "Her", he asked and I nodded.

Then a blast of air hit us making my hair flutter around. The ship activated into its pelican form. Stepping out of the warthog york came to stand by my side.

"Shes ready to go", church said appearing by my side. "Well we better get to moving this stuff into it", I told York and church.

York nodded and grabbed a few things.  "I didn't pack much just a few bags", I told him and he grabbed a few things.

  Walking in f.l.i.s.s. spoke "hello Carolina. How did the mission go ", she asked us.

I smiled placing my armor in the armory. "Good", I replied back church flickering into view.

"I have fixed your dog tags as asked", fliss said. Church gave me my dog tags.

Looking at then I seen my name and then I looked at the second tag.

'York and carolina', I read. Me and york had got these made before he...left.

"Carolina", york asked.

I jumped and dropped the tags.

He leaned to pick them up. Picking it up he read the names.

"You still have these", he asked pulling out a metal chain just like mine.

Reading the tags they matched mine only his were 'york', and then there were are matching ones.

Putting mine on me he stared into my eyes.

Leaning ever so slowly his lips were placed on mine. I blinked and he put his hands on my waist. Pulling away I looked up at him.

"I never would through these away", I told him. He smiled and held my hand.

"Carolina who is this ", fliss asked.

Yorks eyes grew wide.

"Fliss this is york. Remember him", I told fliss. "That's are training a.i.", york said as he remembered are freelancer days.

"I recovered her a.i at an old base", I told him.

He nodded and fliss replied"yes. But he is spused to be dead", she said.

I nodded and church disappeared.

"Where will you be going agent Carolina and york", fliss asked. "To chorus to find the reds and blues", I told her.

The ships engines powered up.

"We probably should sit down", I told york and he nodded. He sat down pulling me into his lap.

"Go to sleep. You need it", york said kissing your jaw.

Closing your eyes you slept on his shoulder in the most comfortable way ever.
Ok news I got a new phone and my grandma died. R.I.P so I've bee. Busy with my phone and grandmas stuff. It's sad. But I'm getting through it. Also updates will be when ever. I'm kinda brain died on ideas for this book. But I have ideas for later chapters. Ok so bye bye

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