Chapter Twenty

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Athena's mind was whirling as she trudged towards her Democracy for Beginners lecture the next morning. She didn't notice that the temperature had dropped even further, or that the pavements still hadn't been gritted. Cress had spent the entire morning talking about how perfect Castor was and how much he cared about the choices of the people. To prevent herself from screaming the truth into her friend's shocked face, Athena had tried her hardest to tune her out. Her own thoughts were too raw, too chaotic, to even begin to work out what she could or should say to Cress.

Cress hadn't even asked her how her evening had gone, or why she'd never made it to the campaign meeting. And Athena wasn't ready to start worrying about how she was going to tell Castor that she was no longer going to be his spy. So she let Cress' chatter become a happy blur in her head; background noise to her attempt to process everything she'd learnt.

She was so focussed on her thoughts that she barely acknowledged Cress when she left her to take a solo seat closer to the front - "so you can spend some time with Sephy," she explained with a wink.

When Sephy took the seat beside her a few minutes later, Athena acknowledged her with a slightly robotic nod, still wondering at all the clues she'd missed over the years.

"How are you feeling?" the other girl asked sympathetically, her voice low. Athena had spent a few hours talking to Sephy over the feeds the previous night, filling her in on what she'd overheard Castor telling Leighton. After her initial fury that Dyo had tried to trick Athena, Sephy had been eager to hear all the details, and listen while Athena vented her own anger towards their broken system.

"I'm feeling more stoic about it this morning. I think it was the evidence I needed really; now I'm ready to help." Sephy raised an eyebrow, unconvinced by Athena's new found calmness.

After watching Athena for a second Sephy shrugged and shook her head. "Well, at least you're not crying, I guess."

Athena was saved from having to respond when the seat beside her was pulled down and Dyo sat in it.

"Dyo?" Sephy sounded as shocked as Athena felt. "What are you doing here? I know this is a novelty for me, but it's unheard of for you."

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Ajax wouldn't stop bugging me about at least trying one of his lectures. I figured the sooner I got it over and done with, the sooner I could go back to having a lie-in."

Sephy giggled and turned her attention towards the stage, where Ajax had just appeared. While her attention was diverted, Dyo shot Athena a wicked grin, followed by a wink.

Ajax looked as shocked as Sephy to see Dyo sat in his lecture hall. He didn't say anything, but from the chuckle Dyo gave, Athena assumed that Ajax had sent him a message to express his surprise.

Well, two could play that game...

So, are you really here for Ajax? she asked him, keeping her eyes forward so that Sephy wouldn't notice their conversation.

What do you think? he replied moments later.

I think it's rather convenient for you to decide to cave in to Ajax's pressure, on today of all days.

I'm quite sure I don't know what you mean. He nudged her leg with his under the desk, making her smile. I wanted to make sure that you were okay this morning.

Athena sighed. Why were they both treating her as though she was about to shatter? She was strong enough to handle this.

So, are you going to come to our next meeting, Athena? Sephy asked in a new group chat, oblivious to Athena and Dyo's private conversation.

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