First entry- June 19th (Written by m33rkat)

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Wednesday 19th June 2019

Here is a dialogue about what happened in the library... I wrote it as it happened so some of the stuff we said is missing but this pretty much sums it up... enjoy :)

(I've used Initials for privacy)


My friends and I sat at the back of the library, randomly talking about random usual

(Ch33tah and M.S were planning to put each other on their story on snapchat..)

Ch33tah- Say 'don't hit her up'

M.S- I'm going to say "add this little bitch" hehe

(Ch33tah doesn't respond to her... probably zoning out)

(A.S and A.T are looking through A.S's camera roll)

A.S- Before I got braces! Look at my teeth Oooo

A.T- Ew wow, why do you have a photo of Kosta?

A.S- Everyone has that photo, it was airdropped to everyone

A.T- Awww look at you!

A.S- Noooo stop ew 

A.T- Look, 'M33rkat'. (Its a photo of A.S's sister)... she looks like a baby aww

(I smile, trying not to draw attention to myself as they can't know I'm writing this.)

(They continue through the camera roll, not knowing what I'm doing... aha Idiots)

A.T- Omg my hair! 

A.S- Mmm

A.S sings 'bitch you uh- bitch you uh'

Back to Ch33tah and M.S- Talking about adding people on snapchat

M.S- I don't know any of these people... oh I have her though, and him...her, her, him

ch33tah- That's my sister's friend

M.S- Ohhh

ch33tah- Hehe

M.S- Noooo, you said 'hit her up' on my photo

ch33tah - Your the one saying you wanted a boyfriend

M.S- But now I have to talk to them!

(Talks about a guy who is horny and asking for nudes)

(All 3 of them, except Ch33tah, have realized I was writing this... Because M.S tells them after watching me write...nosey ass. But they forget shortly after, so I continue to write)

(Ch33tah's ring is gone)

A.T- none of us have it

Ch33tah- bullshit

We always hide each other stuff, its tradition.

I took it and A.S hid it where the books are along the wall...

Ch33tah (being random)- Hi I'm Chucky bitch hi aha hi aha 

Ch33tah works on the laptop writing a story (go check it out- Monophobia by shanelligans)

*gets lint off her pants*

M.S- what are you doing

Ch33tah- nothing, shut up M.S Jesus Christ

Ch33tah has just logged onto this account and wants to write a horror story onto my other stories... oh shit I hope she doesn't see this...

Now she's not doing anything except writing on her laptop... everyone is writing stories so I'll just show her this now hehe...


Ch33tah has read it and laughed, not even realizing half the stuff she said until reading this. Seeing that her ring is missing and taking the hint she gets up to find it.. finds it, punches everyone. (Including me but that's irrelevant), she then sits down and punches me again realizing I'm still writing hehe.

I read through this is Health at 12;45... and will publish it now. Ch33tah and I will try to make some more but it'll be irregular and random because that's how it's going to work and also we are random.. ok bye :)

The diary of a m33rkat and Ch33tahWhere stories live. Discover now