Get to know me (ch33tah) (:

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Hey its ch33tah here, I'm not going to give too much personal information (privacy reasons) 

Ok, I am 16, taken, I am Irish, Maori, Aboriginal and I'm pretty sure I'm also part British. I have a yellowy tan skin as I have light and dark backgrounds the British and Irish being the light and Maori and aboriginal as the darker ones.

I'm a dog person more than a cat person. But if I could have any pets I ever wanted I'd get a horse and an axolotl. 

My friends are really important to me, they're like a second family. Sometimes we have little arguments and stuff but we always manage to fix it because we know we couldn't survive without each other. M33rkat and I used to get in an argument what felt like every second day, but we fixed each one sometimes it took longer but usually we only stopped talking for like 24 hours. A.T and I hated each other at the start but now we're inseparable. A.S has always been the person who is friends with everyone no matter who's arguing or not talking at the time. M.S and I have been friends since like 2014-2015. We never really got into any arguments until last year and I was lost without her. I also have another friend who's really important to me but she hasn't been in any of the entries as she's not in any of my classes, H.L is my best friend, she always gives me the most amazing advice and always has time to chat if I need it. So there's my friends.

my family owns a dog who is 6 years old, a cat, i'm not sure how old she is and a lizard. 

My hobbies are reading, writing, drawing, piano and acting. I enjoy playing sports including; soccer, footy and rugby, long distance running and netball. I used to play tennis and hockey as well. 

Ok now boys: 

I have had three boyfriends, my first one was really awkward. My second was great, we lasted just under seven months, he was my first kiss and I really liked him, but he dumped me for another girl. I made the mistake of getting back with him 3 times but I've learnt and that made me stronger. The guy i'm with now is my best friend and has been for years. I was his first kiss and I'm really hoping we last for a very, very long. 

Ok that's enough. hope you enjoyed learning about me :)

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