Sixth entry- July 25th (Written by M33rkat)

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Ch33tah- you spelt my name wrong! JESUS CHRIST A.T.. M33- FUCK

Me- Laughs whats-

Ch33tah- YOUR DICK.. notices teacher looking sorry sir

teacher- I didnt hear anything

Ch33tah- Told you he was cool

spells her name wrong again


she has her hand on the back of my chair so I lean back and squish her finger

Ch33tah- SCREAMS

Teacher- Break-time.. 10 minutes.. and you think im being nice for giving you a long break, actually im being a hard-ass, you should have 17 minutes, scientifically.. heh, I'm a rebel

Ch33tah- hes so paspifice.. pacific.. specific

Me- you cant talk

Ch33tah- kisses a piece of paper and shoves it into A.S face

A.S- smacks me in the face

Me- You kissed 'Ch33tah'

everyone laughs and i get hit again

Ch33tah pulls my hair out and acts really sad

Ch33tah- OMG, OMG, OMG

Me- Shut uppppp

hi its ch33tah here, m33rkat is angry because shes not in all of them so im gonna write about her now.

m33rkat- im not angry

me- yes you are

m33rkat- no look at my face i smiling i not angwyyy makes faces right infront of my face 

me- you're weird.

M33rkat makes more faces

M.S- look. 

i look at her laptop and sing the song that is playing

M33rkat- takes my earphones 

me- give me one.. you hurt my earholes

M33rkat- laughs 

me- kisses her hand so she lets go of the earphone oh why thnankyou

M33rkat- MMH dont kiss my hand... stinky poopy hole whispers yeah thats right i said it

me- laughs happy?

m33rkat- sad

me- no are you happy now i wrote about you 

M33rkat- no. looks at my pimple its bleeding, wipe it

i wipe it

M33rkat- Dont touch me. shes gonna touch me with her pussy fwinger... 

M33rkat- Fuck shit pussy ass mother fucking damn bitch. Ouu hes so fine

i poke her

M33rkat- stop im admiring. looks at me writing how did you hear me? how'd you hear. how you did hear what i saiddd

i hit her

M33rkat- OW

Me- haha

M33rkat- hits me back i will hit you harder

A.S, A.T and M33rkat are watching videos not realising im writing about them, theyre laughing and talking about someone dropping dead and some girl tripping over. 

A.T- Shes still on the stairs

A.S- this is surely fake

M33rkat- No its not. its real

Pointless babbling

M33rkat- hes the hottest guy in the school

A.T- I'd hate being that tall. 

The videos finished now theyre watching a different one 

M33rkat- ewwww

something about guys looking up at 'her' and more 'ews' 

A.S- look how shes standing hah

I have no idea whats going on right now.. its a video about a girl who is taller than the guys, apparently shes happy to be tall

A.S- look how long her neck is

M33rkat- laughs

A.S- no i cant.

THATS ALLLLLL, CAUSE WE CANT BE BOTHERED WRITING ANYMOREEE.... should we start a vlog channel. heh

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