Get to know me :) (M33rkat)

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Hey, I'm M33rkat and a girl (if you didnt know), and I'm 15 years old, until next month.

 I'm 5,1..I know.. I'm short. I do have a name but Ch33tah would rather it be private, as well as my friend names so I'm going to respect that. So I'm not quite sure what my background is but I know I'm Australian. I have traces of a tan background because I'm olive white but nobody knows what it is. Many guess English or a mix since I tan easily and never get burnt. Ive been meaning to get one of those background tests, but I cant be bothered tbh. 

I love to keep fit and have done soccer, footy, rugby, basketball, netball, tennis, tag rugby, running, hocky, lacrosse, baseball, rock climbing, kayaking and gymnastics. Right now, my main sports is gymnastics. Im a contortionist, tumbler and flyer. Many people are mostly interested by contortion and its really cool seeing peoples reactions. 

I have the cutest four little guinea pigs. They havent established their leader ladder yet so they fight all the time but not really bad fights, just small agruments where they squeak. One once got his lip bit in half, but dont worry, it was a accident and his brother felt really bad for a long time. I also have two chickens, dumbo and dumber. They follow me around everywhere (expect inside, because im not letting them inside). I really want a cat, but my mum is not letting me have an animal inside. As soon as i move out, i want a cat. 

Soooo I dont have a job although I'm applying butttt i kinda really need one...

My friends are my life tbh.. i couldnt live without them. They are so nice and fun and we have so many inside jokes. Me and Ch33tah use to fight alot last year, but we have both matured and now we just dont give a f*ck. Everyone else I'm fine with and get along really well. My old school friends always talk about me behind my back because me and A.T got popular and stopped talking to them (they were kinda abusive in a way) and they got salty. But i ignore them cause i honestly dont need them aha.

Anyways, I'm bored with this.. byeee

The diary of a m33rkat and Ch33tahWhere stories live. Discover now