Fifth Entry- 23rd July (written by ch33tah)

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2nd day of term 3 maths. We've been moved to a better maths class where the teacher doesn't believe in homework or tests (:

M33rkat - You need to write about meeee

Me- I can't. you're not interesting you just beat me up. 

M33rkat- no whenever you're writing I'm not in the class and if I am you aren't writing because im too interesting.

Me- Sure.

later in the lesson.

M33rkat- OoOOo C.S texted me backkkk 

Me- Huh?

M33rkat- He message me. 

Me- Ohhh ok

A.S- 'Ch33tah.' What did you get for number B?

M33rkat- B Isn't a number

A.S- I mean question one part b haha

Me- I haven't even opened my book yet.. what? 

I look at the question

Me- oh you need to times it because its already divided.

A.S- What?

M.S- What the heck 'ch33tah'

M33rkat- no. 

Me- yes, its like inverse operation because we have to do it backwards to get x. woah. how do I actually understand this?

A.T- oh ok, so this is times because its been divided already and question 1 part a is divide because its already been timesd

We do maths for a while then the teacher starts talking about science and how he's amazed that the "mushy ball of custard" can keep so much knowledge 

M33rkat- no don't put your earphones in, stop being antisocial and talk to meeeee

I ignore her and listen to music anyway :)

Me- I can still hear you I only have one in.

A.T- how do you even do this?

Me- I told you

A.T- I don't understandddd

Me- You did understand thoughhh

A.T- 'Ch33tah' help mee Laughs

M.S- You sound high

A.T- Apparently I look high a lot  Laughs

Me- You always act and look high.

A.T- Im just always tired. Laughs and almost falls off chair

M33rkat- Imagine we all talked in British accents. like everyone.

Me- What the - never mind.

M33rkat- sorry I'm so random.

the bell goes and we go to our year level assembly.

m33rkat pulls my hair out one by one while M.S places each hair back onto my head. 

Me- Starts hitting floor Why is my hair being pulled out?

M33rkat- you should cut your hair short

Me- No I'm growing it to my hips

Girl in front of me- looks back so I stop hitting the floor Is that you hitting the ground?

Me- No.

M.S- Whispers liar, you look so guilty

Girl in front- looks away oh well

I start hitting the floor again and my hair continues to be pulled out and placed back on top of my head. 

Walking back to the lockers

M33rkat- Dude 'Ch33tah' has kissed him 6 times now. 

A.T- Oh damn that's so cute

A.S- Cuteee

M.S- ok?

me- Stands there going red Shut uppp


A/N- uploaded a day later, some parts are missing because I forgot what happened at some points. hope you enjoy though. 

The diary of a m33rkat and Ch33tahWhere stories live. Discover now