Third Entry- 21st June (Written By Ch33tah)

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M33rkat's not in class today and neither is M.S. so its just A.T, A.S and I. We're sitting in the back of the science class as normal and the teachers going on about surviving in a small room with plants.

9:20 AM

*A.T looks through A.S old wattpad account while A.S finishes an assignment that I haven't started. Oh no its due today. ArRrRRrGhgHGHgh*

9:35 AM

A.T - *whispers* I don't know what's going on

Teacher - "Lets go onto the origin of life

Me - *whispers* no please don't.

*pointless babbling about the world, plants and bacteria*

9:50 *bell rings*

A.S - I need to go to my locker

Me - Whyyy?

A.S - To get my English stuff ovisly (we have an inside joke so we say obviously like this all the time)

A.T - Why don't you have it already?

A.S - I got my maths book instead

Me - Its Friday.. We don't have maths on Fridays

A.S - Nobody knows that

A.T - Everybody knows that

A.S - Well I don't, ovislyy

Me - Well OviSLy, You're STuPiD (I got kicked for that).


I kick A.S under the table and she grabs my foot, she pulls me and I fall off my chair and under the table. I then punch her shin bone.


A.T - I don't know what to write for history.. should I just do my health?

Me - YES! Ms. L is scarier than Mr. D (Also covering teachers names, also for privacy.)

We talk about how we are gonna fail. I zone out for a bit and when I zone back in A.T and A.S are slapping each other.


And now they're fighting again...

A.T - I- I can't breathe *A.S hits her* Ow..

And I- oop now they're talking about massages and having rough massages.


A.T - You have holes in- A.S hits her, once again. you're gonna get in trouble with Ms. L again

A.S - No I won't, I got a note.


A.T - Drop out and finish high school online

Me - No don't do that I need you

A.T - Not me, lil peep you dumbass

We're not even in June anymore.

The diary of a m33rkat and Ch33tahWhere stories live. Discover now