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When you came to, you found yourself in your bed. The sun was rising already.

You winced. Was any of this ever going to end? You felt like an item meant to be used for their pleasure, which, in all reality, was your relationship with the Yiga Clan. The only one who you felt remotely cared was 7, yet you knew that was foolish.

He's only doing it out of duty, you reminded yourself. No one has ever paid attention to you through your entire life, what are the chances of a Yiga Blademaster suddenly caring? None.

You didn't know you were crying until the tears were streaming down your face. You felt gross. Used. But most of all, you felt unwanted. Even in Gerudo Town, no one really noticed you since you weren't a Gerudo. You were picky about who you dated--not that any of that mattered--and you'd never learned the definition of love. Was this what you were destined to be? A whore for a Ganon-loving group of villains?

"Hey, you okay in there?" you heard 7 ask from the doorway. He'd lifted the banner and peeked through the door, torch in hand. You wiped at your tears, hoping he didn't see them.

"I'm fine," you said, but the shakiness in your voice said otherwise.

"What's wrong?" 7 unfurled the banner behind him as he entered the room. "Did someone hurt you yesterday?"

You shook your head. "It's nothing you can help. It's just... Do they realize that I'm a human being? With human emotions? I wonder sometimes."

"Don't worry about them," 7 said as he sat at the foot of your bed. "They're the scum of the earth. That's why they're here."

You laughed. "You're here too, you know."

"Not really. I was born into this, from a woman much like you. She died recently."

"How?" You whispered.

"As horrible as it sounds, a vaginal abrasion. One of the men was a little too rough with her."

You dropped your (e/c) eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry."

He waved his hand dismissively. "She wasn't much of a mother. Kohga was the one who raised me."

"So that's why I'm here, then? The other woman died?"

He nodded solemnly. "The men get antsy without one. Not to mention the fact that more Yiga can be born unto us this way."

"Are all of the Yiga male?" you asked.

"No, actually," he replied. "But Yiga women are treated with respect. If they can keep up with the men in the rigorous training routines, they're treated equally. If not, they're spit out into Kakariko village. It's just how things work around here. Some people are even wed."

You perked up. "Wait--"

"I doubt it'd be possible," he interrupted. "They've been training since they were born. You haven't. I have no doubt that if you tried and failed, they'd come up with... creative... punishments."

You dropped your eyes, but on the inside, you knew. You were going to get out of here. Whether you had to become Yiga, whether you had to kill, or even just flee, you were going to make it out.

You had to.


Alright, so, I have almost no idea what to do with this. That's why I'm leaving it up to you guys!

Comment down below. Would you like, well, you, to be paired with 7, 13, or even someone else? Remain single?

Escape or no?

More lemons or not?

Since I know most of you won't comment, I'll likely go with the first person's opinion. If there aren't any responses by the end of July, I'll make it up myself, but I'd really prefer to do what you guys want.

As always, thank you so much for reading. I'm kind of inexperienced with this stuff.


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