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This will be the last part of this story. I want to thank all of you for reading and hope you enjoy what comes next. I love all of you who've read this far <3

"(Y/N)? (Y/N), I need you to wake up."

You groaned. Pain was everywhere, raking through your flesh, but it also meant you were alive. Alive. How?

"She's stirring," a familiar voice said. It was feminine, strong... Ashai?

Where am I? Is this... is this Gerudo Town?

"Careful. You've gone through quite the ordeal."

Your eyes fluttered open, and you were met by a harsh, yet welcoming, light. Someone pressed something cool against your lips, and then water spilled into your mouth. You swallowed it greedily.

"H-how?" you said, your voice so cracked and hoarse that you hardly recognized it.

"Someone brought you here. He didn't give us his name, but he told us everything that's happened to you. He's waiting in Kara Kara Bazaar."

"Seven?" you whispered, unable to suppress the sudden excitement that swelled within you. The Gerudo women exchanged glances.


"I don't know who Seven is, but he's just a regular looking Hylian male."

Not knowing what Seven looked like, you wouldn't recognize his description, but you felt a ray of hope in knowing that it could be him. Someone coaxed you forward, and you winced at the sudden shot of pain in your neck. Your hand found the wound.

"The Yiga got you good," a Gerudo said. You felt the rough bandages and the ache that festered beneath them. "You should be fine, though. The wound wasn't very deep, though your ankle is twisted."

You nodded, gritting your teeth as you stumbled to your feet. You were so much smaller than the others in the room, but that didn't bother you much anymore. It used to, but after having so much torn away from you, you soon realized the value of everything around you. Such trivial things were useless to worry about.

"I have to go," you gasped out, and the Gerudo immediately protested.

"You're far too weak. It's been mere hours since your ordeal."

"I don't care," you bit out, staggering towards the doorway. "I have to--to find Seven."

Stupified, they watched as you staggered from Gerudo Town, trudging through the sands with only one thought, one person, in mind. You had to find Seven. You had to discover the answers.

Loudly, the voices of merchants rang all around you, but you hardly noticed them.

"Please," you croaked, stumbling towards an elderly woman who was sitting on a blanket. "Have you seen a Hylian around here? Not a merchant... about yea tall?" You held up your hand and she watched you for a moment.

"Atop the building," she said finally, tossing her head in that direction. You were gone before she could finish her sentence. Muscles burning from the aftereffects of the blood loss, you ascended the ladder as fast as you possibly could and scrambled onto the stone roof. There, a man had his arm propped up on his knee, watching as the harsh Gerudo sun began to set.

"You survived," he said coolly, and you felt something within you warm at hearing that familiar voice. You sat down next to him, looking up at the face you'd never before seen. A strong jaw, blue eyes, and messy blond hair--not what you expected, but certainly not unattractive. You nodded.

"How did you find me?" you asked.

"A gut feeling, really. I was halfway to Kakariko village when something felt... off. I returned to find Master Kohga and 13 dead, the rest gone. I could only assume the hero found them." Seven exhaled, an old pain flickering behind his eyes. "But there was no you. It had only been a few hours since I'd left--I couldn't imagine that they would have killed you, and I could only hope the hero hadn't mistaken you for another Yiga footsoldier trying to deceive him. I searched for what felt like days but was probably only a couple of hours before I found your crumpled form, half-dead in the Highland snow. That was the only thing that saved you. Had your blood flow not slowed from the cold..." He shuddered, as if the mere idea disgusted him.

"Thank you," you whispered, fiddling with your hands. You felt it was only a fraction of what should be said, of what should be done, but you knew better than to try to force his affections. He saved you because it was his duty, nothing more.


"The Yiga Clan is gone," Seven said, turning to face you. The sun had set now, and a bitter chill prickled your arms. "They're dead. All of them. I feel like..." He looked down at his hands. "I feel like we might have a chance. To heal, I mean. To move on from the hold that wretched place has on us."

He took both of your hands, an innocence far younger than his years evident on his face. It was a face, you thought, you wouldn't mind seeing for the rest of your life.

"(Y/N),I..." He sighed. "Do you think we can do this together? Work through it, I mean? I understand if it's a no, I mean, I was a Yiga, and I'm probably not what you're looking for in a man, and you know, I get it, but--"

You held up your hand to silence him, a wry smile curving your lips. "Of course. There's a long way to go, for both of us..." Your hand curled tighter around his and you looked out at the darkening sky. He was warm, you thought, and you stopped to wonder if this was the first time in your life that you've truly felt warmth. "But I know we can make it together."

You hadn't meant it as a promise, but those words settled deep within your heart. You decided then, nestled next to the only man who'd ever understood you, that you would work as hard as you could to regain the life you've lost. A life, you thought, that would be well worth living, so long he was by your side.

The End


Thank you all of you, to those of you who've supported me and even to those of you who've criticized me. All of it has helped me grow as an author and as a person.

I decided to leave the ending of Seven and (Y/N) up to your own interpretation.

Again, I love you all, and, who knows. Maybe I'll return to this story sometime in the future.

Best regards,


EDIT: REQUESTS ARE NOW OPEN! Life is a little crazy for me right now, but I miss the free, unworried writing that comes with writing on Wattpad, since I don't have to worry about publishing. I will do a fanfic (probably one shots) about virtually anything, though I prefer Legend of Zelda or anime. Leave your requests here!

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