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The Blademaster approached you, slowly and certainly, like a predator to its prey. You stumbled back, nearly tripping over the unconscious body behind you, and flattened yourself against the wall. You didn't need to see his face to understand his intent.

Raising his Windcleaver above his head, the Blademaster brought it down in an arc--you dove out of the way and scrambled around him. His hand reached out but only brushed your shoulder before you stumbled out of the room.

Now was the only chance you had. Maybe 7 wasn't that far away yet. Maybe you had a chance. Maybe, with their diminished forces, you could escape the Yiga Clan.

A shrill laugh. Suddenly, in front of you swirled several red tags, and you slid to a stop. You narrowly rolled out of the way of the Footsoldier's blade before throwing yourself down the ledge. A splitting pain shot through your ankle, but you hardly registered it. All you knew was the need to escape. To survive.

Even if this killed you, you knew it was a better fate than what awaited you here. 7 was gone, and quite possibly dead. He was the only one who seemed to care about you. Even if it was a lie, a sick delusion... you would fight for it, because he was the last thing you had left. Either you died beneath their body or their blade, and you knew which one you would always pick.

"Going so soon?" a familiar voice rang out. Perched on top of one of the banisters was none other than 13, the one who'd dragged you into this hell.

"Get out of my way," you hissed. You didn't know where the sudden feistiness came from, and you didn't care.

A blur of red and black, then 13 was on top of you. Your hand shot out and caught his. He would win in a battle of strength, and as that curved sickle came closer and closer to your neck, you wondered if this was where it would end.

"And you were so pretty, too," he said sweetly. "What a shame."

An inferno blazed in your neck, and there was blood. It soaked into your hair and shirt, sticking to your body in incriminating crimson streaks.

It was too bad he'd missed your major arteries.

You plunged your teeth into his wrist and he cried out. Taking advantage of the moment, you curled your hand around the sickle and drove it through his chest before your thoughts could catch up to you. The warmth trickled down your hand and forearm, and for a moment, time had frozen. All you saw was his white mask and the bloody handprint that stained it, and then he collapsed. You didn't wait to see if he was dead. You bolted, racing from the hideout faster than you ever thought possible. Either the other Yiga didn't notice or they didn't care, because none gave chase to your stumbling form.

Your hand clawed at the gash in your neck. Dust caked it. It colored your hair a light brown and speckled your lips, and it made a stew with the ruby liquid gushing down your forearm.

You wouldn't make it in time. The thought didn't sadden you. All you could do was smile, baring your teeth to the world as you stumbled towards civilization. You'd done it. You'd escaped. Even if you died alone and suffering, soon to be buried beneath the raging sands, you were satisfied, for once more you were able to taste the sweet ambrosia of freedom.

"Seven--" you gasped out, falling to your knees. Black was infringing your vision, now, and you knew you didn't have much time left. "I hope you're okay... if only I could... speak to you..."

One last time, you thought, but the words wouldn't escape your failing lips. The sun beat down upon you harshly, and the wind bid you one last goodbye.

Then the darkness overtook, and all was silent.

...To be continued.


I'll be ending this fic soon, I'm really busy with school right now and won't have as much time to write. I don't think it was a good idea to take multiple college classes :|

Anyway, I have been wondering--should I post my novel on here? I don't know how many will read it, especially since it's so different from this fanfic...

Anyway, if any of you would be interested in reading it, even just one, I'll post it. It's about the Grim Reaper taking an apprentice.

Thank you so much for reading! Only one or two more parts left...

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