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This night marked the night of the beginning of what would become a centuries long war. A hatred between humans and witches all started with two good friends, who had some rather terrible luck. Lilith Peacemaker was a young witch, her magic type was enchanting, so she was in the Enchantress class of witches.
She was a very pretty young witch, at age twenty, she had hair as black as a raven’s wing and crystal blue eyes that shone in the faintest of lights.

Her friend was Jace Azure, an ordinary human boy with sunny-blonde hair and orange eyes, like small suns trapped behind a thin layer of glass. They had been friends since childhood, and that friendship had kindled something stronger, yes, they were in love.

They were riding together on their horses, hers a black stallion called Northern Dancer, his, a white mare named Morning Leaf. This night was bright, with the three moons shining bright overhead, all of them full and brilliant, a phenomenon that happened only once every thousand years.

The two lovers laughed and talked as they rode through the woods, coming upon a huge lake, the moons and stars reflecting off its surface, making it look as though this lake were liquid stars. They dismounted there, letting their horses graze in the field while they sat beneath a willow tree that had grown in such a way that it had twisted together with the tree next to it, the branches of the willow rustling faintly in the soft night breeze.

Lilith loved the forest and the night, she would sit for hours naming constellations and making up new ones, which must’ve been why Jace took her out there. They sat there, Lilith laying her head against his shoulder as they gazed at the stars above, such a lovely night it was, so perfect, so peaceful.

Neither of the two knew what would happen next.

Let’s pause for a moment, I’ll explain to you something that my mother explained to me when I didn’t understand why the two of them were so important. Lilith was an Enchantress, the rarest and most powerful kind of witch.

Enchantresses can take any object and enchant it to do anything, even become animate. They can make sticks dance, or swords go completely dull, they have the ability to alter the things around them, that’s why they’re so important.

Lilith was the first Enchantress in over a hundred years, she was kind of a big deal among witches, which is why what happens next is so terrible.
The two lovers sat there, happily talking and smiling, they felt an outstanding love for each other that could never be broken, unless one of them died. The humans came out of nowhere and attacked the two lovers, luring Jace away from Lilith while the other humans attacked her, sending an arrow straight through her heart.

Her scream pierced the calm night air, Jace ran back to her, finding her body limp and bleeding. It is said, they shared one final kiss before Lilith died in Jace’s arms.

Jace became angry and cold after that, his heart shattered into a billion pieces, his mind numb with pain. He wanted revenge, and the humans pinned the blame on the witches. Jace wasn’t thinking straight anymore, he turned against the witches and killed Amyra, the Coven Leader at the time. This event spiraled into a major war between humans and witches.

Each human that had killed a witch, was doused in her blood, they became the first Witch Hunters. Witch Hunters have a hint of the magic held by the witches, allowing them to each summon an enchanted weapon, that are deadly to witches.

They’re known as the Holy Weapons to the humans, and the Devil’s Claws to the witches.

The Witch Hunters also have the ability to sense magic power, so whenever a witch casts a spell, the hunters can pick up on it, and follow it in order to kill the witch in question.

Witches developed a defense mechanism against the Witch Hunters, a spell that became intertwined with the witches’ genetics. Familiars, animals that are summoned from a young age that give the witch strength and protection against the Witch Hunters.

A witch can summon their familiar without magic and when the witch needs to hide their familiar, whatever animal it is will show up as a tattoo on their body somewhere. They summon the familiar by simply touching the tattoo.

The world the Witches and Witch Hunters live in is known as Erath. Erath has one main continent surrounded by several smaller islands, the main continent is called The Everlands, split up into five different places, known as Realms.

The Five Realms are the Ice Realm, the Fire Realm, the Forest Realm, the Mountain Realm and the Water Realm. There are seven small islands scattered around The Everlands, two of them are near the Ice Realm, three are near the Forest Realm and the last two are near the Mountain Realm.

The only island name you need to know right now is one of the islands located near the Ice Realm known as Newland, nicknamed the Island of Everlasting Cold.

That’s where this story begins, so you’d do well to remember it.


There are several mythical and strange creatures that you’ve probably never heard of, but I’ll introduce them as we encounter them. Hello dear reader, and welcome to the world of Erath.

I know it's kinda short, but I promise the next chapters will be longer! I didn't explain a lot on purpose, it's more fun to learn things as you go. along, rather than knowing everything.

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