Chapter 7- A Warning and the Truth

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Arai spent the whole day trying to figure out what the message meant, but she couldn't crack it. It didn't make sense, the numbers repeated in some places, and some resembled letters that she cold pick out, but it was pretty much gibberish when she did it that way. She sighed in defeat, class was almost over, she just wanted to go to the library to see if she could find books on secret codes.

"And I'll need someone to hand out these sheets..." Said Mr. Fernis.

Nobody raised their hand, Emilie was in the bathroom, so she wasn't there to enthusiastically offer her aid. Mr. Fernis does the thing that all teachers do when they ask for a volunteer, they look for the student whose least likely to argue but looks like they want to do it the least.
So, of course, he picked Arai.

She didn't argue, just did as she was told and went and collected the stack of papers without a word. It was the packing list, and some homework for everyone, stacked in such a way that went packing list, then homework, then another packing list, and so on so forth.

She walked up to put two of each in front of the people in the front, then she began to walk up the stairs towards Myra. Of course, she tripped on the stair and landed face-first on the floor. Her nose stung from the impact and the papers were now all over the place.

She sat up and began to pick up the pieces of paper. Silas passed her the other papers she'd dropped, before helping her to her feet.

Obviously, this is when Emilie walked in, with Silas still holding her hand while they were standing. Feeling suddenly embarrassed, she let go and continued to distribute the papers after giving Silas a word of thanks.

She sat back down in her seat and studied the papers carefully, looking them over word-for-word. It was a basic packing list, with everything you'd normally take on a long camping trip, the only thing that was odd was the fact that it listed specifically to bring something waterproof that floats.

Class was dismissed and Emilie walked beside her, looking at her and then at Silas expectantly.

"You should walk with him. Ren won't mind."
Giggled Emilie.

"Ren and Silas are talking to each other. I won't intrude just because you think we'd be
cute together." Replied Arai with an eye-roll.

"Hmm... what if I did... this?" Asked Emilie mischievously, before she shoved Arai hard
straight towards Silas.

Except, her aim was off, and Arai tripped and fell against Ren. Surprised, he caught her before she hit the floor, and she was feeling amazingly embarrassed. Emilie couldn't suppress her laughter and was giggling rather loudly from where she stood, watching.

Ren looked from Arai to Emilie before he rolled his eyes and helped her to her feet. "I'm not even gonna ask." He muttered.

"Sorry... she's a little..." Arai shrugged, and Ren nodded.

Silas was looking at them with an odd expression that she couldn't quite pick out, something like amusement maybe. Whatever it was, it didn't make her any less embarrassed and she thanked Ren before hurrying back over to Emilie.

She smacked Emilie on the back of the head, not very hard at all.

"What was that for?" Giggled Emilie.

"Shut up." Snapped Arai, but she was smiling.

They went back to their dorm, and Myra was waiting for them. Emilie shared the juicy details of the day, exaggerating the story hugely.

"Ren caught her and looked into her eyes, his shining with a love behind all that fire and angry..."

Myra gagged aloud and Arai elbowed Emilie in the ribs.

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