Chapter 6- An Announcement

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“Bathroom. Where’s your bathroom?” Asked Arai urgently.

Ren looked at her with a suspicious expression but gestured to the door next to the kitchen. She nodded and disappeared inside, she knew what she was going to do, she would save everyone, no matter what it had to cost her. She touched her fingers to the invisible mark on her hand.
RYU. Come.

It was a command, not a request, and in a flash, the black fox was sitting on the bathroom counter. She approached the fox, placing her hands on his head, looking directly into his eyes.

“Witch guard.” She said softly.

Ryu’s eyes glowed a soft blue, showing it was active, and Arai put her hand on the first object she could think of, which was an odd one, but it would have to work. The words of the spell she wanted to use were snaking their way into her brain, mixing with more and more urgent images of students running.

“When I flush the toilet once, I enchant everyone to return to their dorms excluding myself and Emilie and stay there until the danger has passed, when I flush the toilet a second time, fix the damage done in the building, remove the events of the past seven minutes from everyone’s minds, and return to normal.”

No sooner had she finished the spell, she flushed the toilet once, pausing for several seconds to see if the danger was averted. She flushed it a second time and she felt herself relax for a moment, before Ryu’s tail and ears spiked up in a warning of danger, and Emilie knocked on the door.

She reached for Ryu, who disappeared into a mark on her hand, before she took a deep breath, and opened the door.


Wait, what just happened?

Ren found himself standing up mid-shout at Silas, but he couldn’t remember why he had been shouting in the first place. He looked around the room and found Arai missing, making his frown deepen.

Silently, Emilie and Silas both sat back down at the table, and Arai stepped out of the bathroom, looking very tired, but satisfied, which Ren thought was an odd expression to have after going to the bathroom.

“What on Erath were we doing again?” Asked Ren.

“We were playing cards when the thunderstorm started, it was really loud and startled everyone. Silas started laughing at you Ren and you were yelling at him for being a “weird-eyed bastard” and Emilie came to check on me in the bathroom.” Explained Arai with a smile.

“Makes sense.” Said Silas.

Ren’s memory started to fill in with what Arai had said, it made sense to him, he didn’t understand how he’d managed to forget calling Silas a bastard, but then, he did it all the time, so it had probably just slipped his mind.

Ren glanced at the clock, it read nine o’clock and Silas recommended Arai and Emilie go back to their rooms before lights out. They left and Ren and Silas ate some of the leftovers from that morning’s breakfast, neither wanted to make supper that late.

They played a few more games of cards before a teacher came around and started turning off all the lights, and they both went to bed.
The next few days passed quickly, some people complained of an odd feeling of fuzziness in their minds after the…


Nothing happened that night.
Some people forgot what they were doing, so what? It happens all the time. Nothing strange went down, right?

He tried to remember, but he couldn’t draw up anything except for what Arai had told them had happened. He sighed and looked out the window of the classroom.

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