Chapter 11- Sailing Ships and Sinking Hopes

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Ren woke up that morning feeling refreshed and ready to go. He hadn't been haunted by any nightmares and hadn't woke up in the middle of the night to Arai muttering, so for him, that felt like a win. Silas was up and ready before everyone else, almost like he'd been awake before Mr. Fernis came in banging pots together.
Crazy weird-eyed bastard. Thought Ren.

Emilie's hair was a total disaster, just one huge ball of fluffy red tangles, while Arai's hair looked like it normally did, except for a few strands falling out of place. Myra still hadn't gotten up, and Emilie was poking her non-stop, Ren felt kinda bad for poor Myra, but he felt less bad when she woke up, only to smack Emelie's hand, and fall back asleep again.

We gotta get a move on, everyone else will be there before us and we'll be stuck with whatever lame punishment last-place gets.

Aria, Silas, himself and Emilie were all ready, waiting on Myra to finish getting changed. Emilie and Arai had their hair braided, the bathing-suits were school-provided, so they were obviously ugly. For the girls, it was a one-piece suit, shorts and a tank-top style, while for the boys, it was just a pair of trunks. Both were an equally ugly colour of greyish-silver, like cement on a rainy day, with green stripes around the end of the pant-legs and at the waist.

All in all, they were really boring.

Myra finally came out of the change room at the same time Lillianna did, they looked at each other as if remembering there was a competition before both bolted to their shoes, slammed them on and raced towards Ren, Arai, Silas and Emilie.
Myra reached out and tripped Lillianna, running ahead of her and straight over to her friends.

"HA! LOSER!" Myra shouted over her shoulder as the group hurried to the dining hall.

"What was that ?" Asked Emilie through laughter.

"She's just a self-important snot and I thought it'd be fun seeing her face covered in dirt." Said Myra evilly.

"We have two savages, one goof-ball, an
outlaw and me. We're quite the band of misfits." Said Silas, counting on his fingers.

"You're just realizing this now?" Emilie teased.

"No, I just-"

"All I hear is excuses." Ren interrupted.

"HEY! You know I've got a whole list of reasons why I hadn't brought it up-"


"You suck." Silas rolled his eyes at Ren.


"Do not say what I think you're about to say." Emilie laughed, cutting Ren off before he could say his amazing comeback.

Arai still hadn't said anything, she looked more tired and worried than usual, and it was really putting a downer on the group-mood.

"What's with the moping face?" Emilie asked Arai.

"Huh? Oh. I just didn't sleep well." Said Arai.


"Shut up Ren." Silas interrupted, shooting Ren a grin.

"You shut up, you weird-eyed bastard." Ren retorted sharply.

"Guys, guys, you're both stupid. No need to fight about it." Myra said in a reasonable tone.
"Why you-"

The bickering went on like this all the way to the dining hall, where they sat down in front of their bowls of grey mush.

"Why do we have this stuff every morning ?" Ren complained.

"Because "it's healthy, full of protein, gives us energy..." shall I go on?" Silas asked.

"You mean it's disgusting, full of cement, makes us feel like throwing up?" Ren corrected.

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