Chapter 5- Suspicious and Insecurities

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Arai woke up the same as she had the previous morning, Emilie poking her in the face until she mumbled something incoherent and then threw her blankets off and went to get changed. That day, she found herself a little hungry, she knew Emilie was worried, so she decided to eat the breakfast made by Myra, who was a surprisingly good cook.

She made them toast doused in eggs and covered in cinnamon, which sounds pretty gross, but it was actually really tasty. She called it Egg Spice Toast, and neither Arai nor Emilie argued with the name, since they were too busy chewing the delicious egg spice toast.

They had all changed into their uniforms and were on the way to class when a headache made its way up the back of Arai's skull and began pounding in her temples, like someone had hit her with a metal pole. She yelped and leaned against the wall for support as images flashed in front of her eyes.


Herself, Emilie and Myra being blasted to oblivion by something ahead. Arai focused harder on the place, it was a classroom, vacant, the one they were just about to pass. Once her headache finally stopped, she shook her head, turning to Emilie and Myra.

"Are you alright?" Asked Emilie.

"Yes. I um... just remembered that I forgot something in our room, and I forget how to get back. Could you two please come with me? I'll tell Mr. Fernis why we're late." She said, thinking up a lie on the spot.

"I don't see why I have to come too." Muttered Myra, but thankfully, she followed as the three girls returned to their dorm at a very quick walk.
Nobody should be going that way until later, since we were going to be there early.

As if to make her feel much better, Ren and Silas just exited their room, shortly followed by her other classmates. The explosion would go off before they even got there. Just as they opened the door, a huge shockwave slammed the door shut, the sound of a huge explosion going off filled the halls.

Silas, Myra and Emilie all looked at Ren, who was looking as surprised as they were. Only Arai wasn't surprised.

Then it's true I have another legendary power. As if being able to Enchant wasn't enough of a target on my back. Now I can also see the future. What a good new year I'm having. Can my resolution be not to die? That would be nice.

Being the people they were, all of her classmates rushed into the direction of the blast, looking confused, surprised, scared, nervous and just flat-out angry. Ren was the angry one, since he didn't seem to have any other emotions except angry.
Now, you know that's not true. He also has; triumphant, furious, confident, disgusted, frustrated and bored.

She ran alongside her classmates, slowing her pace to match theirs. She had no desire to be first at the disaster site, even if she really had been the first there a few minutes before the explosion. She should probably keep that to herself if she wanted to avoid suspicion.

However, there was really no need to lie, since the explosion was in the science room, and her earlier deduction of it being empty had been false. Someone walked out, a girl, with her face covered in soot except for around her eyes where she had been wearing safety goggles.

The rest of her clothes were also covered in soot, but Arai guessed it was supposed to be a lab-coat over her school uniform. She grinned at them sheepishly as they stopped just short of the door that had been blown off the hinges and laid broken and charred on the floor.

"So, part of being a scientist is accidentally blowing stuff up..." She began to explain, when an exasperated teacher came over.

This teacher had long blue-silver hair, a young, but obviously tired face, blue eyes and she looked to be about five feet five inches in height.

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