Chapter 2- Acorn City

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Renard means fox, and a fox is cunning and tricky. A fox chooses their battles wisely, which is why Ren’s name was a joke, because he did not choose his battles wisely.

Renard O’Barren had been raised to strike first and trust nobody, he looked down on most because people who you thought to be beneath you couldn’t disappoint you, people you didn’t trust couldn’t betray you and people you hated couldn’t break your heart.

Ren was tough, brave and aggressive, he was protective over things that were important to him and didn’t give a shit what anyone else thought. He wanted to get stronger, but he was also very easily provoked and damn, those people walking down the street giving him a funny look were just asking to be punched.

Ren lived in an orphanage, packed with little kids who were always whining and screaming. Ren had been fifteen since Aptril, he was old enough to be on his own, he’d been old enough since his parents were murdered, a year and a half ago.

He wouldn’t forget what they taught him, be strong, strike first, if you don’t trust them, they can’t betray you and if you don’t love them, they can’t really hurt you. Those teachings made Ren’s life pretty lonely, since he refused to become anyone’s friend, and lashed out at anyone who looked at him sideways.

The woman at the orphanage who most of the orphans called Mom, Ren called her by her first name, Renae, with a name so similar to his that he sometimes turned around when her name was called.

Ren was about five feet ten inches, his hair was platinum blonde and perpetually spikey, his eyes were fiery orange, violent and forever burning with a hatred towards the race that had murdered his parents and had given him the scar across the bridge of his nose. He was rather buff, with a strong figure, he was really intimidating, usually wearing a loose faded black t-shirt and tan khaki pants.

Witches. Hissed his brain.

A fury that burned stronger in him than in anyone else, witches had destroyed his life, his family, his future, all because the witches had magic and needed target practice. His parents had been powerful Witch Hunters, they had killed over a hundred witches combined over the years, but that had been the problem really, because by being so great, they had put a huge target on their backs, and that was that.

No more Evelyn and James, no more horseback riding through the woods, no more training in the dark, endurance tests, all of it was gone in less than a day, and Ren had ended up here, in the filthy orphanage in a filthy city in the Forest Realm.

Acorn City was located in the outskirts of the Forest Realm, closer to being a desert than being a Forest. The reason it was called Acorn City was because there used to be huge acorn trees all over the place, until they got cut down, leaving the city dusty and barren.

The mayor of this city only cared about himself, and money of course, so Acorn City was left to rust and crumble, with nobody to help fix it. The houses were made of all kinds of different materials, some wood, others iron, others sandstone or clay, no one style was better than the others, no one style was more popular, although, the richer people in town liked to decorate their houses in gold.

That day, Dectember thirty-first, was the day that they would come to town, the Wise Women, the ladies who had witch blood, but weren’t really witches. They lived on the outskirts of the city, only coming into the city on Dectember thirty-first of every year, feeding all of the fifteen-year-olds a mysterious liquid that was used to awaken each of their Holy Weapons.

The Wise Women would likely go to the rich children first, and then make their way over to the orphanage. Ren decided he’d train his hardest until the wise women arrived, so that he’d have enough strength to make it through the ceremony.

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