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The Junior Rescues were all seated in the meeting room conversing while Dylan tried to get their attention.

"Are you gonna tell the group?" Tyler whispered to Kris.

"Which part?"

"The gay part?" Tyler knew that she wouldn't share the information about her parents.

"I don't know, Tyler," Kris said unsurely. "I'm not sure if they'll take it as well as you did."

"I'm sure they will," Tyler assured. "If you do, then you can also admit your feelings for Gina."

"Yea... Wait, what-" She was cut off by Dylan flicking the lights on and off.

"Okay," Dylan started. "So, I asked Garvin if I could talk to you guys about something really important to me. And he was like, 'No!' And I was like, 'But I already have the presentation made!' And he was like, 'Fine! Get out!'" She took a deep breath. "So, without further ad-wah, I give you the turtle nesting season!"

She shut the lights off again before rushing to the podium to start her presentation.

"Aww," Gina gushed at the sight of the baby sea turtle on the screen.Everyone turned to her with confused expressions. "What? I can like cute things."

Kris grabbed her and intertwined their fingers. "You're adorable." Gina blushed before turning her attention back to Dylan, not letting go of Kris' hand.

"Turtles are dumb," Spencer muttered.

"They're not dumb! But they are endangered."

Spencer scoffed. "Uh, yeah. Cause they're dumb."

"Oh!" Logan 'congratulated' Spencer on his 'sick burn.'

"That's literally the stupidest thing I've heard you say and I once heard you say that the tides were caused by dolphin whistles," Kris said.

"That's because they are."

"Idiot," Kris muttered.

"In addition to our regular duties, we need to make sure no one goes into their nesting area. It's up to us to protect those adorable little turtles as they scamper their way towards the ocean. Any questions?"

"Lizzie! Has a question, I think. Do you have a question?" Eric exclaimed.


"I have a question," Logan spoke up. "Did you fall asleep during your presentation too?" Some chuckled at her sarcastic statement.

"Oh, come on, guys. It wasn't that boring," Tyler defended.

"Tyler, it's fine. Alright, everybody, let's get out there and protect some turtles! Also humans. But they're not endangered, so if there's a choice, choose turtles!"


"And I was two inches away from his mouth, and he's like, 'If you're gonna kiss me, don't you wanna know my name?'" Gina scoffed. She just finished telling her tower about what happened at the beach with her and Chote.

"Oh, that line's legit." They all glared at Tyler. "Legit creepy," he corrected. "I would never say something like that." Kris rolled her eyes at him.

"At least you stopped him before he got to the turtles."

"Yeah. Good job, Gina."

"Dude, uh, why is your foot touching my foot?" Tyler asked Eric.

"Your foot? Um... because I like you?"

"Cool, man! I like you, too," Tyler chuckled. They high-fived. Tyler turned to Kris. "Speaking of liking, Kris, isn't there someone you like?" Tyler smiled at her mischievously.

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