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I had just gotten to the set of my new movie, Aladdin. After greeting almost everyone, I went to get some coffee in the craft service table because there's no way I can start my day without a cup of coffee.

Once I'm done serving myself some coffee, I smash into a tall figure. "Oh, gosh, I'm sorry." He says and I'm about to apologize, until I lock eyes with him.

That's Mena?

Wow. He was so much more gorgeous in person than in pictures.

"No worries. Hi, I'm Naomi." I smile and I suddenly melt at the sight in front of me. He flashes me such a beautiful smile that I don't even know how to act.

"I'm Mena. It's so nice to finally meet you." He shakes my hand and I slightly blush.

"You too. Wow, I can't believe this is actually happening." I sigh with a nervous smile.

He returns one and says "I know, this is unbelievable." He says, looking around the whole set.

"Naomi, we need you here for a second!" Will shouts from the other side and I turn to Mena. "I've gotta go, it was nice meeting you, Mena." I say and he flashes me such a gorgeous smile. "My pleasure."

After twelve hours of rehearsals, we were done for the day. As I was walking back to my car, I ran into Mena. "Oh, hey Naomi!" He says, walking towards me.

"Hi yourself!" I chuckle.

"So, how do you like rehearsing so far?" He asks.

"It's amazing. And the set is so magical, it feels like an actual city." I say. It was all so beautiful, including him of course.

"I totally agree with you. I still can't believe we're going to be a part of this movie." He says.

"I know, I mean, I've dreamed of becoming Princess Jasmine ever since I was little, and now I get to actually play her in a movie." I smile.

"Well, let me say that you were the perfect choice for Jasmine." He says and thank God it's dark out, otherwise he would've seen me blush.

"Thanks, Mena. And you? You're like Aladdin's twin!" I say, making him chuckle.

"Hey, it's uhm getting late, but how about you give me your number and we can keep talking another day, say over coffee?" He asks and I feel some strange things fluttering in my stomach. My mouth suddenly feels dry, not knowing what to say.

"Uh, yes! I'd love to. Here." I say, giving him my business card which I always carry with me.

"So do you want me to book you in a gig or actually call you?" He jokes and I laugh. "Ha, ha. Very funny, Mena. It was the closest thing I had to give you my number." I said.

"Aaactually, I could have given you my phone and you could have typed in yo-" He says but I cut him off.

"You are too much." I shake my head and we both start laughing.

"I'll see you tomorrow for filming." I say and give him a shy smile.

"Until tomorrow, princess."

He quotes one of the lines from the movies and I feel my heart drop when I hear him say that. My lips suddenly turn into a huge grin, unable to contain my smile.

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