thirty six

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It's been two days since we got home from the press tour. I was really excited because today, Naomi was going to meet my parents. Yeah, we're not teenagers anymore, so maybe meeting the parents isn't such a big deal, but I still wanted to introduce her to my family.

I've wanted to, for a while, actually. But after the press tour so she wasn't so overwhelmed with things. I was finishing getting ready until I heard a knock on my apartment door.

"I got it!" I shouted to my parents as I jogged downstairs. I walked towards the door and opened it, revealing my beautiful babygirl.

"I missed you." I pecked her lips. She slapped my arm while laughing, "Shut up, silly, it's only been two days since we last saw each other."

"So what?! Does that mean I can't miss my girlfriend?!" I said dramatically with a smile on my face. "No." She chuckled.

"My parents are upstairs, they'll be down in a minute." I told her as I saw her play with her fingers, a bit nervously. "Hey," I grabbed her hands. "You're fine. They'll love you."

"You think so?" She sounded not so convinced. "I know so." I said reassuringly.

"Sorry, we were finishing getting ready." My mom chuckled as she walked downstairs with dad besides her.

"Oh, no problem." Naomi said.

When they finally walked towards us, they stopped and smiled. "So this is the famous Naomi you won't shut up about?" Mom laughed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs and Mr. Massoud." Naomi shaked their hands with a smile.

"Oh, the pleasure's ours. C'mon, food's ready!" Dad said as we walked towards the dining table.

It was all going really good, until my parents started asking some questions. "So, you're an actress as well, Naomi?" Mom asked her.

"Yes, I started acting ever since I was six years old." She smiled.

"So you've had that passion forever, I see." Dad said.

"Yeah, yeah I guess so." Naomi chuckled.

"You look awfully familiar. Your last name is not Scott, is it?" My mom proceeded to ask.

I glanced at my mom with a what are you asking her look, but she just ignored me and directed her gaze towards Naomi. "Uhm, yes. Naomi Scott." Naomi said and my mother's fork dropped to the floor, the metal hitting the concrete being the only thing heard in the room. I looked over at my dad and his eyes turned...dark.

"W-what?" I mumbled to them.

After a long pause of silence, my father spoke up. "There's no chance you're related to...Usha Scott?"

"She's my mother." Naomi responded.

"Will you excuse us," My mother mumbled as she grabbed dad's arm and they ran off to the kitchen.

"Alright, what just happened?" I said in confusion.

"I could say the same thing. It's not because of something I said, r-right?" Naomi asked.

"No, baby, no." I grabbed her hands and smiled. "You're perfect." She grinned and kissed my cheek.

Thirty minutes passed, still no sign of my parents. They were still talking in the kitchen, and we couldn't even hear what they were talking about. At this point, Naomi had to leave. She had an interview that night so she had to go.

I said goodbye to her and she left. At this point, my parents we're still in the kitchen and I was sick of it. What happened that made them leave in the middle of lunch?

I marched towards the kitchen and they seemed so...angry. My mom was raising her hands in the air like a maniac and my dad's eyes were black as the night's sky. "Guys, what's going on?!" I raised my voice and they quickly shut up.

"Uhm, nothing, honey." Mom said.

"Did Naomi leave?" Dad asked and I nodded in response. They looked relieved for some reason after I answered.

"I think it's better if you stayed away from that girl." Mom said and I laughed. "What?"

"Yeah, I agree with your mother. She's not good for you." Dad said.

"I'm twenty five, I can do what I want to do. I can be with whom I want to be. I can marry who I want to marry. So don't come into my apartment telling me I can't be with this girl just because you couldn't even sit down and spend time with her! You guys don't even know her!"

"Oh, yes we do. Her parents, at least." Mom said.

"Is that why you got up so angrily at the lunch table?"

Mom sighed as she looked back at dad. "Yes." She responded.

"Why though? What's wrong with her parents?" I asked.

"Just let it go. Don't talk about this anymore and stay away from her." My dad said in a serious tone.

"No." I stuck my ground. I love Naomi.

"I'm warning you, kid." He said.

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