twenty five

514 18 0


Today was our first day off from the whole filming movie process. We were done shooting the movie, so Guy gave us all a one month break before the press tour started. Of course, Mena and I were already planning to hang out a lot, starting today.

He told me he had a small surprise planned and I couldn't be more excited. He was driving towards the mystery destination while I was sitting in the passenger seat, eager to know where we were heading to.

After about fifteen minutes, we pulled up to one of my favorite places in this town. "You remembered?!" I asked him as a smile lingered on his face when he saw my reaction.

"I remember every little detail of you." He said as he parked the car. I had to look away for a second as I hid my hot red cheeks. This man is a dream.

We hop out of the car, hands interlaced. As we walk inside I can already hear the music blasting. This bowling place was always loud and filled by pop music. And yes, the surprise date was going bowling because I mentioned how much I loved it and Mena listened to me.

We get our shoes and after paying for a two hour round, we get into our alley. "Are you ready to go down?" He says as he carries his black bowling ball, "I don't think you are." I say, chuckling, preparing for my first throw.

I throw the ball across the floor and end up hitting most of the pins. I then hit them again and knock them all down, doing a spare. "Very nice, very nice. But can you do this?" He asks as he gets ready for his throw and soon enough, he does a strike.

"No f-ing way!" I say as he walks back towards me and has a big smirk on his face. "What did I tell you, baby?"

I feel my heart race a billion miles as he calls me that. Apart from love and N, he's never called me a nickname before.

"Oh, just watch this." I say and get ready for my second throw.

We keep playing for an hour until we take a small break before we start our second round. Up until now we were basically tied, so the second round was gonna determine the winner.

"So, up until this moment, I've let you had your fair share of spares and strikes, but that ends now." He says.

I roll my eyes playfully, "As if I'd believe that." I scoff.

"Oh, so you actually think you're...good?" He asked with sarcasm in his voice.

"Of course not. I know I'm good. Now, here I've got some tissues for you if you cry when I beat you." I say, handing him a napkin and I hear his classic Mena laugh.

"If I were you, I'd save that for myself because you're the one who's gonna lose." He said and I shook my head while I smiled.

"I let you win, you know!" Mena said as I rubbed my big win in his face as we were walking back to the car.

"Mena, it's fine, not everyone is good at bowling." I joked and he protested. "I-but, uh-, no! I am good! I'm like the greatest bowling ball player ever!"

"Then I'm guessing your big loss today proved that." I said, still laughing.

"Hey, I let you win, there's a difference. I was feeling...very generous to say the least."

"Alright, Meens. I believe you. Now, what's my prize?" I say as we get inside the car.

"Your prize?" He asks, I hum in respond.

"You can't get a better prize than this right here, babygirl." He mumbled before pressing his lips on mine. To say I was on cloud nine was an understatement.

"Cheesy ass." I said as we pulled away, earning a laugh from him.

"Only for you,"

When he was pulling up on my apartment, he turned towards me. "When will I get to see you again?" He asked and I smiled profusely.

"Actually, now that you mention it, Nasim was planning a movie night for the cast in her place on Wednesday. She was going to let everyone know tomorrow. You in?"

"Of course!" He said. I could already tell the excitement in his voice.

"Let me guess. You miss Will and you're dying to see him?" I chuckled.

"Oh my God, how did you know!" He squealed jokingly and I laughed. The two of them have been the closest of friends ever since the first day of filming.

"Well, I'll see you in two days." I say as I grab my purse.

He leans in and kisses my lips very gentle as I smile against the kiss.

"I'll see you later, princess."

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