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Enjoy all that fun with Naomi because it won't last long.

I suddenly feel my insides twist. I look up and around, trying to see if anyone was watching us. Will suddenly notices my worry state and pulls me aside.

"Are you okay?" He says and I bow my head down. I hand the phone over for him to see.

"What?" He whispers, "Who would say this? Is it a threat to Naomi?"

"I...don't know, Will. But whoever it is, they can't get to Naomi. And they won't."

"What are we going to do about it?" He asks, glancing over at Naomi, who was happily laughing with Nasim.

"Well, I have my suspicion on who really sent me that text."

Later that night, after filming, I run to my car and turn on the GPS. I put the address of HighPoint Jail. Ten minutes later, I get there. I park my car and walk inside.

I look around, wondering where to go to and who to ask. I go up to the front desk, "Excuse me? I need to speak to Jacob Wilson." I say to the lady in front of me. "One sec," She says as she searches the name in her files. I impatiently tap my fingers on the desk as I wait for her response.

After a few seconds, she turns back to me. "I'm sorry, there seems to be no Jacob Wilson here." She says and I furrow my eyebrows, "What? I-uh no, there has to be. They told me they put him here in Highpoint." I said.

"I'll check the computer files." She says and I mumble a quick thank you.

After what feels like forever, she finally gets back to me.

"Still no sign of a Jacob Wilson here. I'm sorry, sir."

I pinch my fingers in between the bridge of my nose as I try to breathe calmly.

"This can't be! Can I talk to Officer Williams?" I ask. Officer Williams was the police officer behind the whole Jacob thing. He took care of finding him and he directly told me that he put that Jacob piece of shit in this jail.

"Officer Williams left. I'll give him a message when he comes back tomorrow." She smiles at me but at this moment, I'm angry.

What the hell is happening? I know Jacob is behind the whole text thing and if he's not in this jail then that means...he escaped. He's out on the streets, waiting for a chance to get to Naomi so he can hurt her.

"Let me put it this way. My gir- My friend," I correct myself, "My friend had an abusive ex and the police officer who was working on the case informed me that he put him in this exact jail. And now, I'm getting threatening messages from what I think is the same ex. So where is he?! He can't be out on the streets!" I vent to the desk lady.

"Alright, sir, I'm going to need you to calm d-"

"I can't calm down! Miss, he threatened my friend that if she ever left him, he will hurt her. And I'm not going to sit around and let that happen."

"I hear you loud and clear. I'll call one of my officers now to try and find him. Please, take a seat, maybe a cup of coffee." She said, standing up and guiding me to the waiting room.

She calmed my nervous a little bit, but I was still a mess. I couldn't let Naomi get hurt. Not now, not ever, but especially not now. She just got over this whole situation with Jacob and if she faces him again, I don't know she'll do.

I check my phone and see it was already past midnight. I don't care if this took hours, I wasn't leaving until I knew that Jacob was behind bars, and not out on the streets.

Suddenly, I get a text from Will and I open it.


Any updates? Is Naomi okay?

I respond, "I'm at Highpoint Jail, they're looking for Jacob because apparently he escaped prison. She will be." He instantly calls me when he receives my text and I tell him everything that has happened. He told me to call him if anything happened or if they found him.

We hung up because he was going to sleep and I decided to take a small nap myself. After a few minutes, I was already falling asleep in the couch of a jail waiting room.

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