thirty two

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"Los Angelesssss, what it do babyyyy!" I yell as we get off the taxi that dropped us at the hotel.

Will laughs at my comment as we all get our suitcases and walk inside the hotel. Of course, I offer to help Naomi with her bags but she insists she'd carry them herself.

When we all get to our rooms, we're in awe. They were huge and we each got one for ourselves. Then, we met at the lounge that Guy reserved for us so we could discuss today's plans.

"Los Angeles," Guy clapped his hands together, "Are we excited?!" He asked and we all cheered. "I'll take that as a yes." He chuckled.

He told us everything we were doing today. A cast panel, a break to get something to eat, and then the big awaited red carpet. I was more than excited to pick my outfit for tonight.

After the small meeting we had in the lounge, we went to our rooms to get ready since all of our stylists were already there. I went to mine and I saw a woman in her late twenties standing there looking at her phone. "Uh, hi, I'm Mena." I waved and chuckled lightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. Hi, I'm Ashley!" She shook my hand and I smiled. "Nice to meet you." I said.

"The pleasure's all mine." She answered. I let go of her hand since she was holding on to it for too long.

"Well, I picked some outfits for the panel you guys have today and you can choose your favorite or if not I can pick others one." She said kindly and I thanked her as I looked through the outfits in the rack.

All of them were bomb, but I chose the one I liked best. It was a white tee with a jacket and some blue navy pants. Then, she began styling my hair as she made small talk with me.

"So, you guys are going to London next, right?" She asked and I nodded in response, "Yep."

"That's really cool. And uh, is it true you and Naomi are together?"

That question brought a smile to my face. "Yeah, we are."

"Oh, well, I thought it was just a rumor." She laughed.

I chuckled, not knowing what to say. "I mean, we went official since the day I asked her to be my girlfriend, so." I shrugged.

"Is that so? Huh, I must have missed the memo." She winked at me and I chuckled awkwardly.

"Thank you for the outfit, but Naomi's waiting for me, so I'll just go n-" I reached for the door but she quickly stopped me.

"Woah, there." I mumbled as I took a step  back.

"Don't you rather be with someone else?" She smirked as she walked towards me.

"No, and I think I made that perfectly clear. I'm very happy with Naomi, and she's happy with me." I stated.

She tried to push herself on my chest but I quickly stopped her. I got my phone out of my pocket and before she could grab it out of my hands, I speed dialed N.

Moments later, the door flew in. "Thank goodness." I sighed and ran towards Naomi. "What's going on?" She asked.

Ashley, the stylist, was shocked. She didn't know what to say or do, she just stood there.

"She just pushed herself on me and wouldn't let me leave the hotel room. I need to get Guy in here." I told Naomi. "Go get him, I got this." She mumbled as she kissed my cheek and I jogged towards Guy's room.

As I was getting Guy to come over here to handle this, I overheard Naomi and Ashley's conversation.

"Look, whatever it is you tried on Mena isn't and will not work. We're very happy together and nothing stands in our way." She told Ashley with confidence in her voice.

"Yeah, whatever." She scoffed. "I just hope he knows you'll break his heart just like every other girl."

Now it was Naomi's turn to scoff, "Excuse me?" She laughed. "I can't imagine a world where I'd ever hurt or break Mena's heart. So, I'd appreciate it if you just stopped."

That's my girl.

I came back in the room once I got Guy and he told her to pack her things and go. Guy was already on another phone call to get a new stylist here for tonight's red carpet.

As he was on the phone, I talked to Naomi in a corner. "I'm sorry-" I began but she quickly cut me off. "You don't have to apologize, you did nothing wrong."

"I know, but, I just, I didn't want to cause this much of a commotion." I looked down.

"Hey," She lifted my chin up. "You did the right thing. And I'm glad Guy kicked her out of the makeup and styling crew. No one messes with my man." Naomi laughed and that's when I knew something.

I was sure of it. I've been too scared to say it, but now I just can't put it off for any longer.

"I love you." I pronounced. I said it. No doubt whatsoever. No takebacks. I love that girl and I'm fully aware of it.

She stopped breathing for a second, I could see hope and passion in her eyes. She couldn't stop smiling as she gave me the most heartmelting answer.

"I love you, too."

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