twenty three

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Filming was just coming to an end. Some people were saying their goodbyes since they weren't needed for some scenes anymore. While others were reminiscing these whole four months, like me.

It's been such a crazy journey and I can't wait for it to be released already. I met some amazing people along the way, like Mena.

He entered my life and completely changed it for the better. I wouldn't have it any other way. Speaking of Mena, we were shooting one of our final scenes today. The famous Aladdin ending.

We were all emotional since we didn't want it to end, but we also knew that this was just the beginning. We still need to do a bunch of photoshoots, interviews, meetings and after the movie is released we'll go on a press tour.

But, it's still kind of sad because we won't be able to do any of more filming after this week. I snap out of my thoughts once I realize we're about to film one of the ending scenes.

"Let's do this guys, one last time!" Guy shouts and we all cheer. "I'll take that as a yes. Three, two, one, action!"

Aladdin, or should I say Mena, walks out of the palace with a piece of Princess Jasmine's brooch in his hand, as a memory of her since he can't be with her anymore.

Little does he know that Jasmine is now the sultan, meaning she can change the law so the two of them can be together.

"Stop, thief." I say as he walks away. "Your sultan commands it." I add.

He slowly turns around with a smile on his face "Sultan? Does that mean I'm in trouble?" He asks.

I walk closer to him and he does the same, I look into his eyes and smile for a second before answering, "Only because you got caught." And finally, we kiss. And once again, I experience the greatest feeling in the world. Mena's lips against mine.

Guy cuts the scene but, well, we keep kissing for a few extra seconds. Everyone on set laughs at us, seeing at how cute we were. Frankly, I didn't want to break away from the kiss, but we had to at some point.

We both pulled away and chuckled. Mena then wrapped his arms around my torso and spun me around the air. "We did it!" He said as he put me down. "We did, didn't we?"

"No. We did it!" Will came in and hugged us both, barely giving us space to breathe. "My babies!" He shouted as he let us go.

Mena and I catched our breaths, "We love you too, but damn, did you want to kill us?" He said and I laughed. "For a second there, I was about to die of lack of oxygen." I said. "Oh, whatever." Will rolled his eyes and laughed.

Later that night, we were having an official wrapping up dinner. Everybody was here, from the dance extras to the camera crews to the actors.

Guy stands up and clinks a spoon against his glass of wine, "Attention, please! This is officially our last night with all of us. Some are leaving tomorrow and some are staying until the final filming day, so we decided to organize this tonight so everyone could be here. I would like for my wonderful actors here to say a toast if they'd like. I'll say mine at the end!" He says and we chuckle.

Will goes first, so he stands up. "May I say that this has been probably one of the greatest opportunities in my life. I got to meet and work with beautiful people. I've laughed so much, especially with my little dude, Mena." He pointed at him and he smiled at Will. "So thank you to Guy and to everyone who made this possible, I love you all!"

He finished his small toast and we all clapped. After a few more speeches, it was Mena's turn. "Uhm, hi, I'm Mena!" He stood up. "Everyone knows that, dude!" Will shouted from the back which made all of us laugh.

"Thank you for pointing the obvious, Will." Mena said jokingly before he continued. "Anyway, this has been a complete and total blessing. Hell, this changed my life forever. How do I start? Just a few years back, I remember thinking that acting was the one thing that I wanted to pursue. I sat back and watched as my friends turned into doctors and then they realized that they didn't want to do that. I realized I didn't want to be one of them.

I wanted to make sure that what I did, was what I wanted. So I dropped out of med school. I was like 'I'm gonna leave it up to fate. I'll audition for theater school, and if I get in, I'll do it.' So I auditioned, and I got in. I started working on small films. When I later saw that there were Aladdin auditions, I knew I had to try it out. So, I did. I got it. Now, here I am, standing beside the most incredible people I've ever known.

Guy, man you are a role model. Thank you for believing in me.

Will, you have been like a father to me. You give me such good advice and make me laugh everyday. You're my rock, man.

Dalia, you're such a kind person who influenced me along the way."

Then, he turned to me and grabbed my hand.

"And, Naomi. God, Naomi. What I have with you, I don't want with anyone else. You... you became my everything the minute I talked to you. It took me a long while to make a move on you, I'll admit," He chuckled, "Because...I-I was scared. I was scared because you mean more to me than any other person. But I eventually took my shot, and I'm glad I did,"

With every word that escaped his mouth, the more watery my eyes would get.

"So, Naomi. Thank you for turning into my best friend, and I'm hoping after this speech, I could also say 'girlfriend'. Will you be mine? Officially?"

I had completely lost it at this point, I was dying inside. I immediately stood up and gave him the biggest hug. "Hell yes!" I said as I chuckled and everyone said 'awww' .

"Thank you, Mena. You're everything I've ever wanted." I whispered in his ear as I held him tight.

A/N: I'm going on a three day vacay, so I'm probably not going to write/upload for a few days. However, I'll leave y'all happy with this ending! lol, thank u from the bottom of my heart for all the reads!

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