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Maven's death was completely necessary. People say he was savable, but he was not.

Maven had to die.

I love maven with all my fucking heart.

But Maven was too caught up in himself and his mother to ever be okay. He was too broken.

People who say Cal was a coward for basically telling Mare to kill him and then crying over it (I know who I'm talking to, but I disagree. Call me a coward for not telling you to your face. you two people gang up on me.) are so unfair to Cal. So what the main ship happened? The ship wasn't the point of the story. The ship was just something to have. And you know what? I don't completely dislike MarCal. I understand it. I fucking get it.  I love Maven more than anyone in this series, but his death was completely necessary. And yeah, vaveyard kinda sucks, but it's her story. You can't be mad at her for it ending the way she wanted it to. Everyone who died died for a reason. 

And I like to think of the characters as people and not just puppets on a string...why can't we respect Mare's decision to be with Cal? People always talk about how people should respect other's opinions, and people have a choice to do whatever they want. Well, Mare did whatever she wanted,and despite what I or anyone of you wanted, she took her man. IRL we woulda been clapping for her, but since she doesn't exist, she doesn't get rights. And Let Evangeline be the wingman, she lowkey almost loves both of them as friends, let her be matchmaker despite her lesbianess.

How did you not see Marcal happening? I saw that shit from the day they met. Sure, Marven was nice while it fucking lasted. And mare and tyton woulda been cute, but usually the first ship (she technically met Cal first) is the main ship. Marcal not happening is like Liam and Ruby not getting together, or Hermione choosing Harry over Ron. It would have never happened. 

Plus, while the way Marcal started, (which was really fucked up, Cal. your brother's FIANCE?) maven kinda shot back with something way more powerful than a kiss. Maven was fucked up. Wasn't his fault. But He was fucked up. Mare and cal both needed time to heal after that shit went down. And so they healed together. and then he chose the crown. (gave it up, predictable you know that's what I love about Cal...he's so predictable you know what to expect. there are no surprises. sometimes no dynamics gives the character room to just be the dumb puppy you can't help but to love)

I am not a Cal stan. I refuse to wear that label. I guess with my opinion, I'm really not  a Maven stan either? Can I be a Calore Stan? I love both of them so much and i'm tired of picking sides.

but fuck mare.

she sucks

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