Chapter 5: Meet Me at The Old Garage

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After my lunch duty in the library was over I started to head to one of the empty dance spaces to practice. When I got to my next dance class the teacher paired me up with another student. I hooked up my phone to one of the speakers and played "Let's Dance" by Miley Cyrus. I took the students hand felt as though Caria was right there looking into the mirror at me. I started dancing and let myself feel the music like some of the students here couldn't do.

As the music reached the first verse I could feel the music coursing through my veins. When I felt it I just let the music take over my body and mind, as soon as it did I could still imagine that Caria was right there with me dancing next to me. As soon as the bridge started, I felt like the music had transported me to a place where dance was all I could think about. The way the music coursed through me was unexplainable, it made me feel like Caria was right there next to me. Dance, music, and the arts in general were the most important thing that I could be passionate about. As soon as the song ended I could just feel that, I was being watched through the mirror by Caria. As soon as the next song started up I could feel the salsa vibe coursing through my veins and through my body.

During the dance I felt as though Caria was twisting herself around me as the dance went on. The way the dance took over my thoughts were completely overwhelming, I thought as though Santi was leading me through a steamy, & sexy dance that was too good to explained through words. But I still thought that he was a jerk though we danced like there was only us, I could still imagine that she could still think that I was the biggest jerk in the world. As soon as the dance came to a close I turned to face the mirror, and I thought I could see Caria through the mirror, but then the bell rang and the image of him faded away he was still the biggest jerk, but I still didn't want to risk what I have with Elliot.

After dance practice before school ended I talked with one of my best friends at my locker right before the last bell for the day rang. "I can't believe that he would move back here after what he did to me two years ago." I told Alex. Alexandria was one of my best friends she has always been there for me, my uncle, and for Stella. "I know he's such a jerk like I cannot believe a guy like that would screw you up that badly." she, said to me. "I know right" I, replied back to her, then she started to tell me what Morgan told her about what had happened between him and Elliot. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing I was so mad at him right now even more than when he first came here. While Alex and I finished up talking the last bel rang for 6th period. "I'll text you later okay" she, said to me "Okay" I heard Caria say to her best friend I could tell that Elliot had told Morgan about the confrontation between him and I. I could not believe that after what I said to him that he would tell his little side chick about the dance off we had earlier that day.

Then I saw her walk off to her last class of the day, I still couldn't believe the nerve of Santi he's such a jerk. He's the same as he was two years ago, and I've always regretted what I did, but never had the courage to tell her about the way I felt about what I put her through. Right after school I went to the library to study for my finals in a few weeks. As soon as school ended I went to the local library to catch up on the work I missed for the last few weeks. As soon as I got there I saw Caria looking for her book to study for her finals. When I saw Santi walk in and sat down to do the work he missed I just got annoyed. I just can't believe he'd show up here I tried to ignore him at this point. As soon as she sat down to study I tried to talk to her again. "Hey can we talk?" I heard him say as he was sitting right across from me. I had nothing to say to him after what I heard from ale that she heard from Morgan that Elliot told her happened between them. I still can't believe he would do that to me, I could tell that she didn't want to talk to me.

But somehow I needed to make amends with her regardless if she'd listen or not. As soon as I finished my work I packed up my stuff and before I left I went over to where she was sitting and I started to talk to her. "Look I know you're mad at me, but we have to work on the duet assignment together. I know that I did something you'll never forgive me for, and I don't blame you I wouldn't forgive me either. But if you never forgive me I won't be around you much longer. I know that I cheated on you and I'm sorry, but if you really still care for and about me and this assignment you'll meet me at the old car garage near your uncle's diner. Because even though I cheated it doesn't mean that I didn't think about you when I did it. I love you Caria and I still do even if you don't love me, but if you do be sure to meet me there tonight before sunset." I, said to her & I meant every word I said to her everything I said to her was true. Every little word that had come out of my mouth that I said to her that I meant was true.

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