Chapter7: rehearsal at the diner

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During Caria and my dance class while we were practicing our dance moves I tried to talk to Caria again about what happened. "Caria I know you probably don't want to talk to me right now." I, said to her as we started to dance I heard the song "Smooth Criminal" the glee version came on over the speakers I quickly put my arms around her waist and picked her up over my shoulder. I felt myself being secured in his arms as he spun me around. As we were dancing I felt the music take over as I leaned into him.

During the climax of our dance I felt her body inching closer to mine as I pulled her into me. "What is there to talk about after what happened to years ago?" I snapped at him as he dipped and spun me around on the tips of my shoes. "Look I tried to resist her, I really did Caria." I sternly said to her before I brought her back up. As I spun out and turned into him I, snapped "then what happened you got lost in her eyes?" when she said that I knew she didn't know the whole story about Elliot and Morgan yet. Towards the end of the song I picked her up again and spun her into an impressive ending pose.

"Look just because I made one mistake doesn't mean that I don't still care about you. Because I do if you don't care about me just say so or don't it's your choice. But you should know that if you really saw Elliot for who he was you'd know" I started to say as I pulled her up and leaned her into me. "That Eliot has been cheating on you, I know this because while he was dating my ex he'd check out other girls all the time." when he said that I didn't really believe him. "That's impossible you don't know him like I do." I, said to him. I noticed that Elliot was with Morgan outside and then I took out my phone and right as they kissed I zoomed in and took a picture of them.

"Your right I don't know him well enough to know that he's with Morgan the person you consider your best friend right now outside. Kissing her on the lips and apparently called her sweetie-bear?" he, said as he showed me the pictures of Morgan & Elliot kissing on his phone. "Look Caria I care about you too much to watch get your heart ripped out like mine did. You deserve way better than Elliot and as much as it hurts to say you even deserve better than me. I'll maybe see you later either at the garage or at the diner." before he left he told me that I might want to look on social media for more evidence.

As soon as he left I took out my phone and started to look at Elliot's social media page. That's when I saw Elliot with some other girl on the beach holding hands with her. The worst part was that it was Morgan a person that I considered my best friend. "How could she do that to me, more importantly I thought I could trust that, that two-timing womanizing jerk." I, said to myself. As I started to rehearse the dance moves we learned in class I visualized what Morgan and Elliot were doing. Those two little backstabbers, maybe Santi was right and he didn't mean to hurt me that badly. But I still wanted nothing to do with him at this point. As I was dancing I visualized that I was dancing with Santi.

We were dancing at the same ballroom where we had our first date. We were joined by the same dancers that were there that night. The song that played was "What Goes Around (Comes Back Around)". We were walking around during the middle of the class and saw both Morgan & Elliot dancing with each other. At the end of the dance the visions of Santi, Morgan, & Elliot faded. As soon as lunch was over I headed to my empty rehearsal space. As soon as I got set up I started to dance as the song came on I felt like someone was with me in the room.

After I finished practicing I was torn between whether I should listen to Santi, or continue to be with Elliot. As soon as school ended I tried to find Caria to talk to her about Elliot and Morgan. However, I couldn't find her at the library then I remembered that she wasn't at the library most of week. So I got in the car and drove to the diner where she worked. When I got home I started my shift at the diner. I started working until 8 p.m. when the diner closed.

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