Chapter8: peer pressure

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The next few weeks were extremely crazy some of my friends were telling me that I would do better without Caria as my dance partner. However, they also said that it was my choice not theirs. And they would've done the same if they were stuck with Santi as a partner. The following weeks became really awkward for Caria and I we didn't feel comfortable talking about what had happened between us.

However, during one afternoon while I was rehearsing I heard the door to the empty space slowly open. As I go the music ready if the person coming in was Elliot, I turned and saw Caria starting to walk in slowly. "They just wanted to see if you're okay you've been in here for hours." she, said to me. As he looked as his watch he realized that lunch period was almost over. "I was just waiting for you. Um look we need to talk about what happened between us the other day. If you're interested in talking about that if not it's fine, but if you are I just want to say that I." I barely finished when she ran in my arms and I felt her lips lock with mine.

At first when I pulled away and he put me down I didn't know why I did that at first. After that moment all I said to her was "I'll um, I'll see you after school." "yeah of coarse at the diner right?" I, asked him to make sure that we would still rehearse there. "What? Oh yeah sure I'll see you later okay?" as soon as I said that I looked her in the eyes I said the words "love you babe" I kissed her again. You idiot why did you fricking do that you two aren't even dating you ignoramus. I told myself I was surprised that I even knew that word. Anyways after that I plugged in my phone and started to practice our argentine tango routine to "chains" by Nick Jonas.

As I danced I felt Santi's kiss slowly imbedded itself into my heart. It left me wondering after that moment if we were back together or not. When the song finished up I got a notification that I had a missed call from Elliot. Now that Santi told me what was going on with him I didn't want to hear it from him. Honestly ever since we broke up it's like he's doing it for attention. After I practiced during my rehearsal period I went straight to my last period I saw Santi heading the same direction as me. Then as we were walking to our last classes she saw Elliot with Morgan and as he was watching her she pulled me in and kissed me one more time. "What was that for?" he, asked me I told him that I t was for the I love you too.

During the dismal period Morgan texted me that she wanted to know why I was hanging out with Santiago again. I told her that it wasn't her right to ask me that question especially if it was for Elliot's personal repertoire. After I texted that to her I saw Santiago waiting by the gate for his ride. "Hey Lopez" I heard Caria shout to me as I turned to her. "Yeah" he said as I walked towards him I asked if he needed a ride to the diner. I was nervous about that question at first, then she told me she knew a short cut to the diner. Before I knew it we were both on the bike.

As we were riding I took him through the shortcut. We passed old buildings including our old apartments complex where we both grew up. As we were riding to the diner I asked her if she needed any help with the diner today. She said that her and her uncle could use a hand with the diner and Stella that night. As soon as we got to the diner she showed me to where she checks in to start working. She showed me the ropes as the song SOS by Rihanna came on the radio and I started to sing along as I worked.

During the song all I could think about was how I felt about Santi started to come out during that moment when the song reached its climax. As soon as that song ended I got a text from Morgan again asking me if she wanted me to let Santi know that I'm "already taken." I can't believe those two after I got that I had to show Santi that text. When Caria showed me the text I got pissed. "I can't believe those two are trying whatever their trying to do." after he said that I heard the song for Don't Want Me the glee version. "So are we....... well um you know or not?" he asked, me. I could tell that she wasn't sure if she still loved me like she said she did. By the end of the dinner rush we started talking again. It felt nice to talk with him again, but I was still if I wanted to be with him or not.

At our last rehearsal that night we practiced our routines really hard getting every move down. These last few weeks I felt like we were starting to rekindle our love. However, with what Elliot and Morgan are up to and all the pressure at school. I knew I had to talk with Santi about how he really feels. "So, I guess your friends talk about what a jerk I was to you huh." he, said to me.

"Yeah and you've heard things about me from your friends and Elliot as well?" she, asked me. "Yeah I just can't believe they'd do that after what they did to me and my....... ex-girlfriend if that's still what we are?" Way to make things not awkward your idiot. I said to myself as I knew that was probably the wrong thing to say at that time. "Totally, I mean what is their problem it's like their doing just for attention." she, said as we finished our argentine tango. As I spun her out during our rumba I asked her "so what do we do now?" as he pulled me in & dipped me I, asked "well what do you think we should do?" "I don't know, but all I know is that whatever we choose I'll always love you I always have." he said to me.

Then as we finished our last dance he pulled me up as I answered back. "Me neither I starting to think that you were trying to protect me so thank you. "she, told me. As we finished our contemporary he pulled me up towards him and slowly pulled me in and our lips touched again. This time it felt like it was the right moment and we were floating in space. When we finished our last dance he told me that he had to get home, but he would see at school the next night.

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