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The next night a few hours before presentation while I was getting ready for my first dance with Caria. I began to think about Elliot said about Caria I just got on my nerves. Is that what all my friends including Morgan wanted me to do? Forget about Santi/Caria? Then just as was finishing getting ready my mom knocked on the door. He asked if he could come in and talk for a few minutes. "Yeah that's okay come in." I told her nicely.

"Hey your dad told me about what Elliot said about you and Caria." she, told me. "What am I going to do now? I love Caria, but what if Morgan's right? What if Santi are just too different? But what if we're not what do I do?" I asked her. "Well" my uncle started to tell me. "If your dad was here with me he'd say this to you. You need to do what you makes you happy kiddo. And remember what he said to you before he left for Afghanistan. Always listen to your heart mia figlia. Because Elliot and Morgan may know one thing, but your heart and how you feel for Caria will always say the opposite. Who or what you choose to listen to is your decision." my uncle told me. "Think about it okay." my mom said to me. "And good luck tonight kiddo." my uncle said to me.

As my uncle left the dressing room I started thinking about what Morgan and Elliot had said about Santi. Then I started thinking about what to do about Caria and what my mother had said to me about my decision. As I finished getting ready for our first dance, I started thinking about what to do about Santi & I. I left the dressing room I headed back stage to wait for our turn to perform. While I waiting back stage I started to think about what I should do about Caria and my relationship and where it's heading from here.

I'm still crushed about what he did, but he's shown me that he might actually be sorry for all he did. I realized deep down I remembered what my mom said to me earlier. "Elliot, your friends and Morgan may know one thing, but your heart and how feel about Santi know another. As soon as the couple before us finished up their dances Santi & I took our places on the auditorium stage.

When the song started we both started to dance our Argentine tango we did every trick we went over while practicing. During our dance, I felt something inside me that I never felt before. As I pulled her I and as she went down my leg I could tell that something in her has changed. Then as he took my hand for the dip I felt myself starting to let go of what Morgan and Elliot had said about Santi. As she twisted her leg around my waist, and as he spun me out of the dip we did a lift that we didn't even rehearse. But I could tell that what we had heard from both Morgan and Elliot said about the other.

All the things we were told couldn't overpower what both our hearts said about one another. As we finished up our first dance something inside us felt different and we began to realize our true feelings for one another. As Caria & I got changed for our next dance I tried to go over and talk to her, but I got pulled aside by Elliot. "Hey, Lopez your dance was awesome up there," he told me. "Yeah summers thanks" I said sarcastically to him.

"Wait where are you, are you still hung up on that a-hole whose ego is bigger than he is." Morgan started to tell me. Dude she just a blonde bombshell who probably doesn't care about you as you care about her. He paused as I turned to face him. "Look dude you're wasting your time with that douchebag." then I immediately cut him off "what do you know about Caria. You don't even know him like I do." I snapped at her. "Caria I know you more than you know yourself & I know that Caria is not the right person for you Caria. She's not worth it man find another girl." I had to cut him off again after that. "I can't believe that you would say that about her if anything you're the one who doesn't deserve a girl like her. You are such a douche because all you care about is yourself and what you do with Elliot." I said angrily to her. "I happen to think that Santi is a wonderful sweet guy."

"Oh come on dude she's just a know-nothing girl who can't even act, sing, dance." I turned around & thought to myself why would you say that about him. Then I said to him "how could you even think that about him? What the actual hell is wrong with you Morgan? Oh that's right you completely stole my now ex-boyfriend Elliot and you are a complete snake. Santi is the best dancer I've ever seen in my entire life & you know what she's the best singer and actress too. She's even better than you she knows better than to date I guy who's also a serial cheater like yourself." I said angrily to him.

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