Chapter One

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         Cheryl POV:  

        "Today is the last day of Middle school Toni!" I screamed when my best friend answered the phone. "Yeah I Know Cher, you've been counting down all WEEK! Girly I love you but sis not everyone wakes up at 5 AM. Can you please lower your voice, I haven't had my cup of coffee yet." She say clearly annoyed. "ugh, fine i guess. You know coffee isn't good for you." I say.  "Yes, Cher I know. You tell me every day. But whats it gonna do? Make me shorter?" she says giggling. "TONI TOPAZ YOU BETTER GET YOUR DAMN COFFEE AND GET TO SCHOOL BEFORE I GO IN THERE AND-" i hear her uncle yell from a far. " uh Cher i'll see you at school" *click* she hangs up before i could even say bye. I go down stairs and grab my food and head off to school.
   "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR GOING TO SSH?'' I say about to cry. " I'm sorry cher  my uncle says its easier for me to go to South Side High. and at least i'll have friends there" she says. "I won't be there though. What about Betty, Archie, Josie, and Reggie? I thought you liked Reggie?" i say. "Okay, first off i never liked that jock strap and second off, the only person in that list that is accually my friend is you. The rest are your friend that let me tag along. ALL my real friends that i hang out with when your not there are going to SSH." she says. "But-" i start to say. "Theres no buts Cheryl, i don't have a say in it so can we stop talking about it." she says kin of annoyed. "Fine, but Toni can we at least hang out most of the summer before school starts." i say. she grabs my hand and i blush. "Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way."                               


        "Cher what do you think of this? Toni shows me a picture she drew of a snake around a rose. "It's beautiful Toni. why does it make an S though? and whats it for?" I ask hoping its not what I think it is. " the S is for south side serpents, and its for my tattoo after i join." she says. "TONI?! the serpents are a gang!" i yell. " I know cheryl, the serpents can give me family. My mom and Dad were both serpents so that makes me a serpent by blood. I have to do it." she tells me. "Is this why your wearing more flannel and dying your hair pink?" i ask. "No, thats dumb, i dyed my hair to get back at my uncle, and i'm wearing flannel because I like it. and i'm-" she stops mid sentence "Y-your what?" i ask. "I-i I'm bisexual cheryl THATS WHAT!" she yells and gets up. and is crying. "Y-your into girls and boys? why are you crying?" i ask and go over to Toni. "Because my uncle hates me because of it and i feel like  you will too." she says. " I don't hate you for it. its just shocking to me because i didn't think you would be." i say comforting her.  "Hey do you want to go to this party with me?" i ask her and she nods. 


          "This party is crazy"  Toni says tipsy "Yeah" i yell over the music buzzed as hell.  The music was super loud and I felt kind of light headed so I walked outside for some air. This guy came up to me and asked for a dance. We were dancing but her was starting to get a little to close and then he tried to kiss me but I backed away. He grabbed me and was trying to kiss me. I kept saying no. Next thing I see 8s Toni pushing this guy off me. "No means No asshat." She yells pushing him back. "Well she shouldn't be such a slut and dance with random guys bitch." He yells. "Don't call her a slut!" She punches him in the face. I grabbed Toni and ran. We made it to my car, by now I sobered up.  We end up driving to Sweetwater River and we listened to the radio for a while. "Toni? Why did you hit him?" I ask. "He was being an ass" she says simply. "Yeah but, I can handle myself." I say. "Your my best friend, what am I supposed to stand there while some jerk is trying to get in your pants when you obviously don't want him. And let him call you a slut for saying no?" She says. "Well thank you. You did kinda save my ass back there." I say and I hug her. The music was playing in the back and the water was reflecting on us.  I lean in but then stop.  "Uh, it's getting late let's go home." I say. Ughhh I hate feeling this way about her. She makes me feel things no one has ever. But I can't be gay. Can I? "Cher what's wrong?" Toni says as I'm driving  in silence. "Nothing!" I say and focus on the road. "Oh really? Then why are you are you not saying anything?" She say. "I'm Tired T." I say. "Okay now I know something is wrong. You never call me T ." She says."NOTHING IS WRONG damn!" I tell as I pull in to my house. "Okay FINE be a bitch about me asking if something is clearly bothering you!" She yells as she gets out of the car. "YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT'S BOTHERING ME? You are!" I tell as I lock my car. "HOW? By being a friend? Or by you leaning in? Think I didn't notice it? I didn't want to say anything but you made me!" She yells. I head up to my room without a word. "What the hell is wrong Cheryl? You never act this way with me." She says as she sits next to me on my bed. "I'm not sure what is wrong!" I say crying. "Hey, don't cry. I'm sorry if I said something that made you upset." She says and lays her hand on my leg. "Toni I'm going to miss you." I say as I look down at her hand. "I'm gonna miss you too." She says. I look at her eyes. Damn there so pretty. I can't stop looking at her. I start to lean in.

Toni POV
                  I look at Cheryl and I can see all her pain. She so pretty.  She starts to lean in. I know it's wrong but I lean in too.she kisses me and I'm taken aback. I kiss back. Her lips takes of cherry.  She pulls back. She gets up and looks worried. "Whats wrong cher?" I say. "I didn't mean to kiss you." She says. "Why did you?" I ask. "I don't know, why did you kiss back?" She's says defensively. "Well for one, I'm a little buzzed still, and Two what else was I supposed to do let you kiss me and embarrass yourself?" I say. "YES" she says. "I'm not gay!" She says. "I never said you were? " I ask confused. "I'm not like you." She says. "What do you mean by that?!" I ask. "Im not going through a phase." She says. "And you think I am!?" I say defensively. "Why else would you like girls and boys?" She says. "I have always been this way! YOUR not the first girl I've kissed! Just because your mad about something doesn't mean you can use my sexuality as an excuse to be mad at me! You know what? I'm not even going to talk to you anymore. You are supposed to be my best friend friend! Your supposed to EXCEPT ME! But I guess your just like the rest of the Northsiders. We're NOT FRIENDS anymore Cheryl. I'm done putting up with your shit and being a good friend for you. Next time your in trouble don't expect me to be there." I say crying as I grabbed my shit and walked out of her room. I hear her walk after me. "FINE, LEAVE AND GO BE WITH YOUR SOUTHSIDE SCUM!" she yells. And with that I slam the door.

Cheryl s POV
       I can't believe she said that. I can't believe I did that. I feel so bad. But I don't think it can be fixed. I'm going to miss her. But I think it's for the better. Maybe I won't fell this way anymore. Oh well at least we go to two different Highschools and I don't have to see her.

Sophomore year
"Attention Students! Southside High is being shut down and some of the students with be transferred here. I expect you to be on your best behaviors and treat them with respect. I would like to remind you that fighting is prohibited here. So please don't forget that. Have a great day!" Our principal. Says over the intercom. "Ughhhhhh. That means I have to welcome them! " I say to my friends. "Why is that Cheryl?" Betty says. "Because dear cousin I'm the head cheerleader." I say. "Well what's wrong with welcoming them here?" Veronica says. "I don't mind welcoming them here , but there is this one person I do mind." I say. "How do you know Toni is even coming here?" Betty says. "Because she would've came here instead of SSH." Well I just hope she stays out of my way and I'll stay out of hers. And she better not say anything about that night or I'll make her life a living hell!

A/n: hey lovelies this is the first chapter of the story I hope you enjoyed. We'll see you next update.

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