Chapter 13

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Toni's POV

Dear journal entry,

Cheryl is now 7 months pregnant. It's kind of exciting. But  I know she's scared. She's been through so much and she's trying to act tough for me.

She's so much stronger than she knows. But she doesn't want me to see her when she's weak. I know a lot about tramatic things. I've experienced a lot of stuff that I don't talk about. She doesn't know I hear her cry at night when she thinks I'm asleep.

It's been 7 months. But it doesn't go away. I know she's in pain. That's why I give her so much credit for keeping the baby. Because I don't know if I would if I was in her situation. I don't know if I could look at a constant reminder of the worst thing that happened to me. But that's just me.

Like I said she's so much stronger than me. I know she loves this baby. And so do I . That's why I know she can get through anything. I know she can do whatever she wants in life. When she is given a problem she takes care of it with plans and careful thought. I'm proud of her. She doesn't know how much I love her. I wish she'd just understand that I don't think I can live without her.

That she's my everything. She's my favorite person in the whole world. She's the only person that I trust with everything I have. Everything. She can be stubborn but I love her. And I would never voluntarily leave her alone. Ever.

I love her.


I write so I can say things I think without people hearing it wrong.
I write to get stuff off my mind.
It helps me. I have a lot of issues that I've been dealing with for years. And this seems to help.

I always write when Cheryl is asleep. Or in the shower. Right now she's asleep. She's so adorable. As I finish up my journal entry. I put it in my pillow case and cuddle up to cheryl.

Cheryl's POV
I wake up with Toni cuddled next to me, and the baby kicking me. I chuckled and go down stairs to make breakfast for us.

As I go to Toni's set of food I feel hands wrap around my waist and lips connect to the side of my neck. I smile knowing it's Toni.

"Morning beautiful." She hums as she kisses my neck. "Morning babe." I say as I turn in her arms to kiss her. "Aw that's better." I say as I turn back to finish cooking.

"So how's the little one doing today?" Toni asks placing her hand on my bump.  "She woke me up with her kicking so I think she's hungry." I say laughing.  "Wow just like her mommy. Will do anything for food." She says laughing. I fall scoff.

"Not true." I say rolling my eyes playfully. "Mmhm that's not what happened last time you were hungry." She says as I recall my little tantrum. I chuckled. "Fine." I say caving in.

"Here eat your breakfast." I tell her. We both start eating and talking. Today is Saturday so we don't have school. Which is good. It's getting harder to hide Jade from everyone. Yesterday at least 10 kids asked if I was gaining weight. I just cussed them out and walked away.

These hormones are crazy. Me and Toni have already started the nursery. We painted magenta  with green leaves and stems. Today we are going to finish it and put red roses on it.

On one of the walls there is a South Side Serpent crest to indicate that she is protected by them. Toni is very proud of her art work.

After we finished eating we headed to the nursery. Toni handed me a paint brush and we started painting.

After about 20 minutes Toni finished her sides and I'm on my last one. I see her go to the Serpent and starts to put something next to it.

"What are you doing T?" I ask. "It's a surprise you'll see in a minute." She says and I continue to finish up my rose.

After about 5 minutes I'm done and I go to where to Toni is.
She finished her painting right when I walked up to her. "There." She said pointing to a beautiful cherry with a snake around it.  It's bigger than the crest. I smile and hugged her.

"That's beautiful. I'm the cherry being held by a snake which is you." I say and she nods.

We head back to our room and  lay down. We were watching a movie when Veronica called me and said she was coming over with Betty.

It took about 10 minutes and we hear a knock on the door.
I head down and let them in.

"Oh my god Cher I swear every time I see you your belly is growing. It's so cute." Veronica says and I laughed. "Yeah don't remind me. I'm almost not ready for her to be here." I say. The nod. "Well I'm ready to be her favorite aunt." Betty said. And Veronica scoffed. "What makes you think you'll be her favorite aunt?" Veronica says. I laughed.

"Because you'll be the God mother." I said and Toni walks behind me and hugs me. Veronica starts to cry.

"Yyou want me to be the God mother?!" She yells excited.
"Of course your my best friend." I said. "Betty you're my cousin and my best friend and I Know you'll be the Favorite aunt so I gave god mother to v." I tell her and she nods.

We decided to watch a movie in the living room. We were all on the couch laughing at the movie when v got a phone call. She said that it was her dad and she had to leave. Betty and her left.

Toni and I were watching the movie cuddling. Today was good.
"I'm so ready for this little one to come. So I can have something positive to come from this whole mess of a situation." I say and Toni holds me. "Me too. I love you baby." She tells me as she leans down to kiss me. I smile. "I love you too." I say and place my head on her chest.

A/n : I wanted to give a filler chapter/ fluff because we all need some positivity in this story. Who's ready for Jade?
Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next update.

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