Chapter 19

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Cheryl's POV
As I wake up I feel for Toni but she's not there. I sigh as I realize the rule of bad luck. I open my eyes and find a note on my bed stand. It says:

Good morning my love. I wish I could've woken up to your beautiful face this morning. But I'll see you this afternoon looking goregous as always. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you bombshell ;)

- your soon to be wife , Toni <3

I smile and roll out of bed.
I see Jade playing down stairs with Betty and Veronica. "Hey bridezilla time to get ready" Veronica says. "J close your eyes" I say and she turns. I shoot Veronica the finger and she laughs. "You too Cheryl. But you know you love me." Jade laughs as Veronica says that. "She wuvs momma and me moe" Jade say laughing.

We all laugh and they head up stairs to get ready.

Toni's POV
Sweet pea is screaming at me to hurry up.  While I finish my tie.
We decided that I would dress like a lawyer for the wedding. I am wearing a white button up tucked in my dress skirt with a nice match blazer.  "Hold on let me put on my heels."  I say as I grab my shoes and put them on.

I already did my hair and makeup. My hair is braided from the sides and  left the rest down.
My makeup is natural. "Hurry up Cheryl is already putting on the dress which means we have about 30 minutes to get to the venue before she does." Sweet pea tells me. I nod and get up. I grab my phone and sweet shows me the ring. "And this is why your my best man." I laugh as he puts it in his pocket.

We head to the venue. By then all my bridesmen are here.  We have 10 minutes before the ceremony and I get in position.

Everything looks great. After 9 minutes we hear the music.
First I see Jughead and Betty walk through the door. Next comes fangs and Kevin. After is Veronica the maid of honor and Sweet Pea my best man. They all stand in their sides.

Finally I see I see Jade with the flowers. She looks so cute. She's in a white dress with red Cherries on them. But on her sleeve there is a snake around cherries. Just like the one in her room. I start to tear up because I had no idea what she would be wearing. But I get star struck when I see Cheryl. She looks gorgeous. FP is walking her down the isle.

She is wearing a gorgeous white dress with a red ribbon around her waist. With a long train. She walks up and he gives her away to me.

We go through the ceremony and finally get to the vows. I'm going first.

"Cheryl M. Blossom you are the love of my life. You are the person who I want to spend my life with. You are the mother of our beautiful baby girl. And you can be very stubborn. But I love you for more than you know of. I've been in love with you for 20 years. Since we were 10 I knew you were the one I wanted to be with . Waking up to you every day is the best thing that was to ever happen to me. Well minus this and J. And today I promise you that I will love you forever and I will never leave you ."

She smiles through her tears.

"Not ever." I say.

Cheryl's POV
Toni finished her vows and I began.

"Toni... Antoinette Topaz. I love you. You are the only one who I've ever been able to talk to. You are the one person who I can trust and love completely. You are the one person I missed most. You are the love of my life and the other mom to our daughter, even when you didn't have to. You choose to stay. And you have never left. The two years we were apart was absolute hell. But now that we are here I just wanted to say. That, your the one for me."

I say as we cry and we say our "I do's" and kiss. Jade and the girls stick out their tongue and tease us. We laugh and walk down the isle.

A/n I know it's been awhile since I updated. And I know it's short. I just wanted to start the new year right. Happy holidays. And I appreciate the support of all of you. I have been so busy that I barely get about 4  hours alone with 1 of TV , 1 of dinner , and one of shower.  With like 1 1/2 of  homework. I'm a theater kid  who also does speech and I've been very busy with these things and  my mental health. I know I decided to end on 20 but I believe that this is a good way to end. I'm sorry but this is the end.   Thanks for everything lovelies

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