Chapter 11

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Toni's POV
I'm with Cheryl at the doctor's office waiting to see Dr. Parker.
She's nervous but she's trying to hide it from me. This past week has been hard on her. She asked me to stay with her at Thorn Hill.

I said I would. She's still confused about the whole situation. She seems to want to keep it but I'm not going to say anything because it's here life and I'll be here no matter what she decides to do.

We have been sitting here for about 30 minutes. They finally call Cheryl's name. We get up and we head to the back. The nurse asks if she wants me back here with her she says yes a little rude. But she apologized. The nurse gave her a thing to wear.

"Toni? I'm nervous. Like what are they going to do? Is it going to hurt?" She asks me.

"They are going to talk to you and then they are going to do an ultrasound on you. It won't hurt much. It feels like this." I say as I put my hand on her stomach and press while moving in a circle.

"Oh? Wait how do you know?" She asked me. "The used to do them on my m-" i hesitate to say. "My um.. my mom. Before the accident." I say in a low voice.

I really don't like to talk about my parents. My father left. Which she knows. My mom died in a drunk driving accident. She knows that too. I just never talked about the baby.

She gave me a look of shock. "I didn't know that she was pregnant before the um accident." She says. "Yeah I know, no one knows but me anymore." I tell her.

She grabs my hand and kisses it. "Well I'm glad you shared that with me." She tells me and I nod sweetly. The doctor walks in and we stop talking.

Cheryl's POV
The doctor walks in and she smiles at me. "Hello I'm Dr. Parker. You must Cheryl. And who is this?" She shakes my hand smiling then goes to Toni and asks. "I'm Toni." She says. "My girlfriend" I say. She raised a brow.

"Oh okay. So how are we today? It says here you are pregnant? About two months or so?" She asks. "Yes. I'm okay i guess." I say.  "Where is the father of the child? May I ask?" She asks me. "Dead. Hopefully in hell." I say. She looks shocked. "The baby was consived against my will. And I wasn't on birth control because I'm with a girl. And I couldn't yell for him to put on a condom. Soooo here we are." I tell her. She nods sadly.

"I'm sorry for the situation. I'm going to be doing an ultrasound on you." She tells me as the nurse prepared me. She took the wand and pressed it on my stomach.

This noise appears on the screen."oh look we have a heartbeat. You're almost 10 weeks along. Everything looks healthy." She says. After like 10 more minutes she stops and hands me a picture of the baby. I smile.

"So do we have a plan yet or do I need to go over adoption applications and other options?" She asks me. Toni looks at me.

"I am going to  keep it. I don't think I'd be able to put it up no matter how bad of the backstory. The backstory doesn't matter it's what they do with their own that does." I say with a smile to Toni. She smiles. "okay. I'll still give you the pan flips just in case. here are some vitamins take them everyday'' she tells me as she hands me the supplies.

I smile. she walks out and i get dressed and we leave. My next appointment is in 2 weeks.

We decided to go to pop's for lunch. 10 minutes later we walk through the doors. We get what we always do. She looks at me and I smile.

Toni's POV

"What Toni?" Cheryl asks me smiling. "Nothing, I'm just proud of you. I know it's hard... especially with the situation. I love you. And I want you to know I'll be here through everything." I tell her. She sheds a single tear going down her cheek.

"I love you baby... So much. Like you don't know how much I appreciate you. You've been here so much these past months.  And given the situation I know you didn't have to stay. But you are choosing to be here for me and this baby. You make my life a little easier. And I was wondering if you-"

She says hesitantly like she's afraid to ask.  "If I'd what?" I ask.
"If you'd like to be called Mom by the baby? Like as my partner. Like a co parent?" She asks.

I placed my hand on hers and squeezed it. I smiled. "With you? Of course. I feel like I can do anything with you." I say kissing her hand. She smiles. "Really?" She says excited. "Of course!" She kisses me.

Our orders came and we ate and talked. "Toni? What am I going to do about school. Like I'm almost 3 months pregnant and we have 5 more months of school. And the baby is due in July so like I get I'll have it in the summer but am I going to hide it at school or?" She asks me.

"Well it'll be really hard to hide it considered that your a cheerleader." I say. "True. But what am I going to do? Do I drop out? Or take online classes? Like I want to finish the end of the year. " She says

"Online sounds good because of the baby. It'll be like 2 months old when we go back to school. And if you want to tell people your pregnant that's up to you. I'll be right here." I tell her.

"Like what would I say? That I cheated? Or the truth? Like people know I'm with you. And they know you don't have a penis. So like if Id be called a slut for cheating or a victim. I don't like my choices. I'd have to miss for appointments. I'd have to do all this." She says overwhelmed.

"You can say me and you broke up. So you went to a party got drunk had a one night stand with some kid from New York. And that you and me made up. And you can use the excuse 'WE WERE ON A BREAK!' " I say with a chuckle.

"I'd still be called a slut! No matter how much I love Ross and that iconic excuse. I don't know what to do. I might just hide it. Until I can't hide it anymore." She tells me.

"Then you can use our made up version of the truth? And use the iconic excuse?" I say. "Sounds like a plan." She says. I kiss her and we go back to her place.

Cheryl's POV

"I'm glad I have something of a plan. It makes life a little easier." I tell Toni as we lay down on my bed. "Yeah me too." She says. She has her hand on my stomach and is running her hand in circles.

"What are you doing?" I say with a chuckle. "I use to do this to my mom and it helped calmed down the baby so it wouldn't hurt as much." She tells me. "Hurt?" I ask . "When it kicks. It doesn't really hurt it just feels werid." She tells me. I nod. "I like it , it feels nice." She smiles.

"I think the only reason I'm even remotely okay with this whole mess of a situation is because of you. You've been so good to me and all I do is add on to your stress. First me being a jealous girlfriend. Then our fights. Then the accident. And now this baby. Why do you insists on staying with my craziness after all the crap I out you through?" I tell her and she stops rubbing my stomach. And looks at me.

"Your craziness is the only real thing in my life right now. I don't give a crap about the stupid fights or the accident. Or the drama after. You are my only family. I don't leave family behind no matter what. I will always choose to stay." She tells me.

"Your one of a kind Toni Topaz. I still say I understand if you want to leave. You don't have to be here for all this mess I've done harder stuff alone than this." I say and she smiles sweetly. She bends down to my stomach.

"Hey little one. I'm Toni, I'm your other mom. Your mommy is crazy she thinks I'm a dumb dumb and that I will leave her and you. She forgets that there isn't anything I'll do for you or her. She forgets that I'm not going anywhere. So I think she needs to stop asking me to. Don't you think little one? Yeah." She says to my faint little bump.

I smile. I cup her cheek and let her kiss me. "Fine I'll stop asking. I love you so much baby." I tell her. "I love you more. And this baby." She says placing a hand on my stomach.

"I love this baby too. No matter what happened to cause it's existence." I say smiling.
She smiles and starts to rub circles on my stomach again. It's so soothing it's starting to get me to sleep. I don't know why but I can't help but  love my strange family. This baby. My baby. And my crazy girlfriend. This is my crazy family.

A/n ... Hey lovelies.  I honestly don't know what I wrote again. Lol. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next update.

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