Chapter 4

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Cheryl's POV
    It's been a week since Pop's with Toni. Everything between us has been nothing but great. We've worked on the project at school but every time we try and hang out in the hall or at lunch, Madelyn always fines a way to intrupt or something petty to one of us. It's mostly me she does it to. It's like she's jealous even though me and Toni don't do any couplely things. I don't even show interest in girls. Well at least in public. I'm not even sure what I am though. I've been with boys. I've dated boys. I've never done anything gay except for that one kiss with Toni. But I can't say I've never had feelings for girls. I can't say I've had feelings for boys. The only reason I date guys is because my friends set me up on dates or guys ask me out. I've never had trouble getting guys. I've even had a few girls go for it and ask me out. I've never been completely sure if I'm gay or bi or straight. I but I do know nothing can happen between us. The last two years without her were horrible, and if she doesn't feel the same way I may or may not do, things will go south and we wouldn't be friends anymore.  It's Saturday and I finally got my poster board and supplies in. So I'm going to see if Toni can come over of if I can.

  Me: hey:). I got the supplies in today. Can we work on it together today. I could come over or you can come.???
Sent at 4:54✓
Read at 4:58✓

                               Toni: yeah, but I
               have to do some errands.
               I could pick you up and
               take you to my place if
               you want? It might be
               werid to see your family
                after 2 years of absence                                           
                Ya kno?
                 Sent at 5:00✓
                Read at 5:02✓

Cheryl: your right.
Yeah that'd be fine.
Just bring me a helmet.
Sent at 5:04✓
Read at 5:06
                             Toni: I was any
                              way. I'll text you
                              when I'm there.
                               Sent at 5:09✓
                               Read at 5:11✓

I grab my stuff and put it in a a bag. I hang around my house for about an hour. I hear her bike outside so I grab my stuff and head out. "Hey Toni" I tell her as she hands me the helmet. "Where's your helmet?" I ask Toni. "You're wearing it red." She says as I hop on the back of her bike. "Red? And are you sure it's safe?" She's never called me red so I asked. "Yeah it's safe. And sorry I give nicknames when I'm frustrated." She tells me. "O-okay" I say as she starts up the bike. "Hold on tight." She yells as she starts off. I grab on to her tight. She smells of vanilla and lavender with a hint of hard work. If that's even a smell. After about 10 minutes i start to lighten my death grip. I lay my head on her shoulder and laugh at the wind in my hair. I close my eyes and smile.

Toni's POV
My day was so stressful. I had to break up two fights today at the bar. My ex showed up and started the second fight with my cousin and her friends because she was being nice to me. I had to go to a serpent meeting discussing shit I can't have any say because I'm haven't been in for 4 years. I then had to escort 2 bad drunks, 3 douchebags and their girlfriends. Then I had to come pick up Cheryl. That actually was the only thing that wasn't stressful. About 10 minutes in to our way I feel Cheryl wrap her arms around my waist comfortably and put her head on my shoulder. I smiled as I paid attention to the road. I could hear her laughing slightly. It was the sweetest thing I've heard in years. I really missed her laugh. For those few seconds of her laughing I felt stress free. I smiled for about 5 minutes. We drive into the trailer park. As we roll into my trailer I see Madelyn sitting on my porch. Son of a bitch not this shit again. I Mumbled. "H-hey Toni, hey Cheryl." She says as she walks up from the porch."What are you doing here Mad?" I say annoyed. "I wanted to apologise for the whole bar situation. I was hoping I'm not banded for the fighting. Ya know since it's like my 10 fight at that one bar." She says awkwardly. "Your obviously banned. You punched MY COUSIN! Who is a retired serpent because of college mind you. Why did you really come Madelyn?" I say really annoyed. "I wanted to apologise." She says defensively. "Bullshit!" I yell as I head up my porch trying to get away From her. "Fine! I wanted to make sure I'm not going to be kicked out because of this shit T! I can't afford to be kicked out. You know this." She yells. "No I CAN'T afford to be kicked out! You have fall backs. I DON'T HAVE SHIT! I don't know anything about kick outs I'm a 2 year. Honestly I don't care if you get kicked out! You need to leave me the hell alone Madelyn Trevor or I swear I will make you hurt so much you'll regret messing with me, my friends, my family, everything!" I yell as she runs off. I slam the shit out of the door. "Um- Toni do you need me to leave? I'm sure Betty can pick me up." Cheryl says as I sit down on the couch. "No, I'm fine. Stay." I say clearly pissed off, she makes her way over to me. "Your not fine. but if you want me to stay I will." She says as she lays her hand on my thigh. I lay my hand on hers and give her a sum smile. "Please stay." She nods and she moves her hand hesitantly like if she was scared of some emotion. I've seen her do that before. The night of our argument she did that. "I'm sorry for that." I say. "it's fine I don't blame you." She tells me. "Are you okay?" I ask. She nods. "Are you?" She puts her hand on the same place as last time. "Yeah she's just getting annoying. She's making everything in my life completely complex. My day was so stressful before and after she showed up at my work earlier. But I'm good now." I say as.i hand on hers and rub the top of her hand. "Um Toni? What did you mean by make her hurt?" She asks me with consern in her voice but not moving contact. "She was my longest relationship, and my first everything. She was my everything. but she cheated on me with someone from our rival gang. I've been trying to move on, which I have. But she makes it so hard for me to find something that sticks. She hurt me bad. I broke up with her because I cought her, but that shit hurt. And she feels the pain of not having me, but she doesn't have the same pain. She had best friends, parents she could talk to. I didn't. I was stuck with my pain of catching my everything cheating on me with this bitch who tried to fight me, and the pain of not having anyone. So when we get into fights like that. I tell her I'm going to hurt her. I mean I'm going to unleash all of my pain on her and going to make her feel emotions she never thought of. I don't hit exes or relationships. I'm sure my friends would but I don't. I've been over her for a while but I can't fully move on because she won't let me. I mean yeah I've hooked up with other people and went on a few dates with a few people but she finds the weak point and makes them think something of me so our relationship never goes farther." I tell her. "Toni. I never thought you would hit her. I don't know what I thought. But I want you to know I'm here. You can talk to me. She doesn't control your heart. She's not here anymore. When she stops your relationships from getting places. It's on her. But think of it like this, if they stopped going places because of people then it would have been a matter of time before it stopped on its own. Because if it really meant something to them they would have fought."she says. To me. "Thank you cher I really needed to hear that." I smiled. She smiled at me and we made eye contact. I can feel tension between us and it feels so strong but we're both fighting it. She looks at me like she did that night. Her look makes me want to kiss her so much. But it might be awkward. I feel like she wants it too but I don't want  have a remake of two years ago. I just stay the same as I am right now.

Cheryl's POV
I have my hand on her thigh. We're both smiling and have eye contact. Ughhhh she's so beautiful, but I can't do what I feel like doing. I want to feel her lips against mine. I've never wanted to kiss someone so bad. I don't know if I should just stay like this or try and kiss her or ask. It's driving me nuts. I look at her lips and she looks at mine. I feel this energy that's drawing me to her. "Toni?" I say rasp. "Yes?" She says almost like a whisper. "Can I kiss you?" I ask in the same tone. She nods. "If it's not like last time y-yes." She tells me. I lean in and she does the same. I can feel the energy getting stronger as I lean closer. The energy gets cut off by our lips. My cherry lipstick and her vanilla chapstick make a blend I never thought would be good but it is. I've had many kisses but I've never enjoyed one like this. I put my hand on her cheek and she turns her head. It deepens and we continue to kiss until it get hard for us to breathe. We stop and we were  panting  trying to catch our breathe. "Wow" she said as she Finally caught her breath. "Yeah" I say smiling. "Should we talk about that?" She asks. "I'm sorry, but I've been wanting to do that for a while. I get it if you didn't but I couldn't hold it anymore." I say. She puts her hand on my cheek. "You have nothing to be sorry about. I felt the same way. I've missed you so much these past years. I wanted to do that before you kissed me two years ago. I've always had feelings for you Cheryl. And it was killing me to hold it back. I just didn't want to lose you like I did back then. " She tells me as I smile. "I've felt the same way about you. I was just scared because I wasn't sure if it was a phase or if it was real. I've never felt the way I do about you though Toni. And I've been with guys and in serious relationships. But I've never had this feeling like I do for you."I say. She kisses me. "I've never been this happy about anyone. I've felt similar emotions but never this. Cheryl I have the same feelings for you." She tells me. "I want to be with you Toni." I tell her. "I want to be with you too Cheryl. Because I don't think I can hide these feelings anymore and I don't want to see you with anyone else. Cheryl that kiss made me happier than I've ever been. I don't want to share you. I want you to be mine and I yours. Cheryl will you be my girlfriend?" She asks me and I smile. "Y-y-yesss Toni. Because the thought of you being with someone else makes my blood boil." I tell her. She kisses me hard. I smile through it. "Let's work on this project before we get carried away." I laughed. "Yeah. Let's." She kisses me and we start our project. Wow I'm starting to love this project.

A/N: hey lovelies. I don't even know what I wrote to be honest but oh well. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next update.

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