Chapter 5

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Toni's POV
It's been two months since me and Cheryl made it official. I honestly haven't been this happy like ever. We're already done with the project and got a 98 on it. We agreed that we were going to keep it on the down low while we're at school. Especially around Madelyn. But when we're in public or around our friends we can't keep our hands off each other. Right now I'm in 8th period and we have about 10 minutes before we can go home. I have 8th period with Madelyn and  my babygirl. "So Tiny whatu doing tonight? It's Friday." Madelyn tells me using that horrid nickname she and other serpents use on me to irritate me. "I know Madelyn. And I don't know probably hang with some friends and work. Why?" I tell her. I see Cheryl looking at us from her seat. She doesn't look to happy about me talking with my ex. "Oh thought you were going the fire tonight. I wanted to see if I'd see you there." She says clearly flirting with me. I roll my eyes." Nah it's not my seen I don't do parties especially if you are there." I say. "Oh come on Tiny. Please go. I'll be on my best behavior I promise." I doll my eyes. "No Madelyn i don't wanna go to the fire tonight. I have school work. And I'm hanging out with friends. " She rolls her eyes. "Uh fine, your no fun. And when are you going to stop calling me Madelyn you know I hate it?" She asks me. Cheryl's looking at us and she seems like she's about to break her pencil in two. "I know that's why I call you it. You call me Tiny even when I don't like it. Can you just leave me alone please." She rolls her eyes and turns around. The bell rings and I head to the restroom. I text Cheryl to meet me there. 2 minutes later I see her walk in. "Hey" I say as she walks in. "Hmp" she gives me as a response. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing" she says moving her head. "Baby. What's wrong? Was it My ex? What did I do now? Baby?" I say as I step closer grabbing her by her chin pouting. "Ugh you know I can't be mad when you pout. Or call me baby." She says giving in. I kiss her softly. "What's wrong?" I ask her. "Why was she talking to you and what about?" She asks clearly jealous. "About a party and wanting me to go and stop calling her Madelyn. That's it." I tell her simply. "That's it? I saw how she was looking at you. She wanted to get back in your pants." She says pissed off. "I know that's why I told her to leave me alone. And I wasn't going to be at the party. And I was busy tonight." I say trying to comfort her. "I'll be over later." She says as she walks out. "we're not done talking about this. But I'll see you later." I say as I walk out after her.  I head home and about an hour later I hear a knock. I opened the door to see Cheryl. "Hey baby" I say as I let her in.  She sits down. "You still mad?" I ask. "I'm not mad!" She says. "Could've fooled me." I chuckled. "Fine I'm still mad." She says. "Why? " I ask. "Because I don't like her trying to get in your pants and down your throat . I don't like the fact she's flirting with you. I don't like you don't care. I Don't like her talking to you and flirting at the same time." She says crossing her arms. "Cheryl, I get it. I don't care because I'm over her. And trust me I don't like it either but I take it anyway. You don't need to worry about her getting in my pants or in my throat and shit. It's not going to happen." I say as I grab my girlfriend's cheek. " I can't help it. When I see any girl next to you especially if their flirting with you. I get real jealous. I know I don't have to worry but I still don't like it." She tells me and I kiss her. "You jealous is super hot. I just don't like when we fight. And trust me the only person who has access to those places you're worried about is you." I tell her. "I hate it when we fight." She says. "I hate it when your mad at me. But it's super hot when your jealous so there's that." I laughed. "Oh really?" She says seductively. "Yeah" I nod. She kisses me. I kiss back. she leans into me making us go closer.

Cheryl's POV
I was super jealous earlier. Because I can't stand when people remotely flirt with my Toni. Like no I will cut someone real quick. But I know Toni finds it really attractive when I'm mad. Right now I'm straddling Toni making out with her. Her hands are riding up my shirt and up and down my waist. My hands are running up and down Toni's neck and shoulders. I start to kiss down her jaw and on her neck. I'm definitely leaving hickeys.  I hear a moan escape Toni's mouth so I continue to suck on her sweet spot. She's a moaning mess. I love that I have this effect on her and I'm just missing her. I move my lips to hers and continue to make out with her. She starts to kiss down my neck. She finds my sweet spot quickly. She has me moaning. I roll my hips into her and she moans. I continue to do that and we're both moaning. She stops. "Why'd you stop t.t?" I ask. "Because I don't want to get to carried away. And if we don't stop now I might not be able to." She tells me us both in a panting mess. "What if I want more?" I say. She looks at me surprised. "I mean. Uh- i-i-I - we could but only if you want Cher. I don't want to pressure you into anything you don't want." She tells me. I love how she's caring about if I'm comfortable with it.  "Baby, I really want you right now. I've been wanting you for a while. And I'm comfortable with you no matter what." I tell her. "You sure?" She asks. "Yes baby." I say. She kisses me hard. I kiss back. We do that for a little while. It's getting really heated. She lifts my shirt over my head reveling my bra. "Your so beautiful" she says. She starts attacking my chest as I unbutton her shirt. She pulls the rest of her shirt off her. Reveling her black lace bra. I take in the sight and start attacking her chest. Leaving hikeys for sure. She flips me onto my back and starts to kiss down my chest, down my stomach and lands on the Hem of my pants. She looks up like if she's asking for approval. I nod repeatedly. She starts to unbutton my pants and  she takes off my pants completely. Just as she's going to take my panties off. There's a banging on the door. She rolls her eyes at the interruption. She goes back to wear she was but the banging gets louder. She gets up pissed off. "Your shirt-" I say as she opened the door. "WHAT!" She yells as she opens the door. "Is my cousin here- and i oop- oops sorry for interrupting. Uh hey Cher." I wave  embarrassed at Betty. "Ugh- give her this she needs it for school. Ugh bye you tow have fun" she says handing her some uniform for cheer. "Next time call!" Toni yells. "My fucking cousin" I say laughing faceplanting into the pillows. "Netflix and chill?" Toni asks. "Good idea" I say laughing.
I'm going to kill Betty on Monday.

A/N: hey lovelies. I have an appointment at 8:20 in the morning and I'm writing this at 3:56Am. I'm screwed. But oh well. I hope you enjoyed and see you next chapter. Byeeeeee

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