Chapter 10

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Toni's POV

.."Times up. Oh.. you look I can't do it!" Cheryl says handing me the stick. I look down and my heart is beating so fast as I read it. I say.. "Itss...pos..itve .. you're pregnant!" and

Cheryl starts balling. I grab her and pull her close to me. I'm rubbing circles around her back trying to clam her down. Betty and Veronica come in and give her a hug. I'm trying to hold back the tears. I'm trying to be strong.

For her. I let go and let her friends hug her because I'm being suffocate by them. She looks at me through the tears.
Betty sees this and let's go

and so does Veronica. I go to cheryl and hold her. "It's going to be okay Cher." I tell her. "D-don't leave Mee please." She says. "I'm not that stupid baby. I'm right here." She continues to cry in my chest.

After about 20 minutes the girls leave and I help Cheryl into bed. She stopped crying hard now she's just barely crying. She's trying to hide her face from me but I don't let her.

She's laying down on her bed in my shirt and I'm wearing my PJs waiting for her to say something.

"I'm sorry Toni. I love you and I know you love me. But I can't put you through this anymore. You deserve way better than me and this mess. It's mine not yours." She tells me as she faces the other way.

"Your mess is mine too. Cheryl look at me." I say and turn her to face me.she looks sad.

"I am not going anywhere. I'm right here. No matter what you do I'm not leaving. You can break up with me. Hit me. Slap me. Whatever. But as long as I'm still breathing I'm not leaving you alone. I don't want better because anyone better than you is imaginary. And I want something real." I tell her and I shed a few tears. She wipes them.

"Please Toni. Before it's too late and someone get hurt more. I don't want you to stay because of this mess." She says starting to cry too. I cry a little holding back the rest.

"The only thing that could hurt me is losing you. I'm not staying for the mess. I'm staying for you. Your the best thing I've ever done. I will never leave at my own free will. If you want me out of your life it's either in a body bag or a court order. Mostly the first one though." I chuckled.

"Are you sure? It's your last chance before I take it back." She says with a smirk. "Take it back." I say. She got on my lap and attacked me with kisses.

Cheryl's POV
I woke up in Toni's arms the next morning. Wow that was the best sleep I've had in weeks. I I turn around so Toni can have a break from holding me. I know she doesn't really care about cuddling but she doesn't complain.

So I usually move so she can have a some space. I smile when she grabbed me and pulls me back so she can hold me.

She kissed my head and I turned to face her. I looked up at her and smile. "How did you sleep?" She whispered as she put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Great. I think last night helped." I say looking her up and down biting my lip. She was just in the bed sheet as of I. She laughed and gave me a kiss.

"Glad I could help you out. I'll help you whenever you want me to." She says with a smirk. I give her a kiss. "I like that idea." I kiss her. I giggled. "I love you." She says. "I love you too." I say.

"Umm.. I think we need to talk about the situation." I say after like 10 more minutes of cuddling."Yeah.we should." She says.

"I honestly don't know what I want to do. Like I know I am going to deliver it but I don't know if I should place it up for adoption or keep it." I say with a sigh.

"I can't tell you what to do Cheryl. It's your body and your baby. But whatever you choose I'll be here right next to you. And if you decide to keep it I'll be right here next to you and for it." She says.

"Really? You'll be here helping a child that isn't yours? Like what would I tell it, your aunt Toni or like..." I say.

"I'll be whatever you want me to be. An aunt, a partner, a lover, a parent. Whatever I'm here. I don't care about the back story it's what they do with their own story that counts."she says.

"You'd want to raise a child with me? Like as a mom? Like as in two mom's?" I say. "Of course I would. I'll be here for whatever. But I'll be here for any of your choices. I love you so much and I can't stand the thought of being without you." She tells me.

I give her a surprising look. "I have to tell my mom!" I say. She looks scared. "Omg she's Going to kill me!" I say panicking. I get up and start to Pace around. I grab Toni's t shirt to wear and pace around. "Cheryl, you need to calm down it's not good for the baby." Toni says. I stopped mid walk.

That's the first time I hear that out loud. Baby. I'm pregnant with a baby. Well not just any baby. A baby from a dead asshole. I have to hold a baby in me for 9 moths from one of my most terrible moments in my life. When the baby asks who is it's dad what am I supposed to say? Am I supposed to make him a hero or say the truth? The truth is hard! I start to cry as Toni walks up to me. After she put on her clothes.

"Baby please don't cry. It's going to be alright." She tells me. "Im scared Toni! I don't know what to do! I have a baby in me from a guy who is dead and an asshole! What would I even tell it?!" I say.

She rubs my back and I calm down. I hear my mom downstairs. I gulp and put on the rest of my clothes and head downstairs. Toni followed me.

"Oh I thought you were at Toni's? Well uh how have you been. You know with the whole thing. I heard he's dead." My mom says.

"Not so great actually." I say looking down. "Why child? And SPEAK UP! " She yells.

"Mrs Blossom. Don't yell at Cheryl ! She's been through alot in the past 2 months! And where have you been? No where to be found. I called you that night but you never answered. So all due respect ma'ma don't yell at Cheryl when you don't have take the [ime of day to be here when she's going through a very bad situation in where it could be life changing!" Toni says as my mother just shuts up.

"Well.. what do you want now Cheryl?. You came down here for a reason." She asks.

"I'm pregnant!" I yell. She looks shocked. "What do you mean? Don't you have birth control? Don't you use condoms? Don't you do ANYTHING? What do you think a pregnancy from a teenaged girl who was taken advantage of will do to my reputation?!" She yells.

"YOUR REPUTATION?! I'm pregnant with a monster's baby! I didn't take my birth control because I am with TONI and last time i check she doesn't have a penis! I also couldn't talk with his hands on my mouth. So SORRY IF I GOT PREGNANT BECAUSE I COULDN'T SAY 'Hey PUT ON A CONDOM!' like damn!" I yell. She slaps me across the face and Toni is pissed. I grabbed Toni to pull her back. "No this is my fight." She stands down.

"I will NOT have a pregnant child! You are going to get rid of it!" She yells. "NO! I will not abort my child! If you don't want me. Emancipate me!" I yell. "FINE!" She yells. She grabs her purse and grabs a piece of paper.

"I always keep one just in case. Here that's my signature. Just sign there and I'll file it." She says. I cried slightly and signed it. "There!" Yelled. "Get out of my house Penelope! Daddy left this in my name after he died!" I smirked and she grabbed her stuff and walked out. "I'll be back for my stuff later. Have fun with your family!" She left laughing.

Toni gave me a hug. "I know I tough but trust me you'll be fine without her." She says. "of course. I have you." I say and she smiles.

A/n: and I oop-
Hey lovlies ..Yeah so that was written and I honesty I don't know what goes through my head anymore. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next update.

Your the One for Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें