Chapter 13

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"Arise children" I heard Nat say as she giggled. Ben and I fell asleep on the couch after last night.

"I made breakfast all by myself this morning... But nothing but the best for my bestie and her boyfriend" she smiled before she walked away into the kitchen.

"Well let's go get breakfast" I said putting on the hoodie and pulling the sheet from off of Ben's head. He pulled me onto the couch where as I was laying on top of him and his hands was on my butt.

"Stay here with me please" he whined while kissing my neck. I started to grind on him and whispered in his ear.

"Fine... But we have to eat first" and I got off of him and went to the kitchen. Nat made eggs, French toast, and bacon.

"Thanks Nat" I said surprised.

"Your welcome babes" she smiled genuinely. Ben and I just started eating and I had a whole 2 plates of breakfast.

"That baby makes you eat." Ben said just sitting there watching me eat and smiling.

"Why are you watching me eat? And this..." I pointed to my stomach and stuffed my face with my last piece if bacon and eggs "Is because of you" I said with a mouth full and he just laughed.

"Yeah but I don't regret it" he looked at me and smirked. I started to blush so I got up and put my plates in the dishes so he wouldn't see me blushing. Then seconds later I felt hands wrap around my waist and my breath hitched.

"You said after we eat" he whispered into my ear and started kissing and lightly sucking onto my neck. I turned around and we started kissing, he lifted me up and turned around dropping me on the kitchen counter as he stood between my legs kissing me.

"The kitchen really? There are many bedrooms in this house but you guys choose the kitchen" she walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and stood by the wall next to the fridge with one foot on the wall drinking water. I rolled my eyes and sighed while Ben just stood there with his hands on my thighs and he licked his lips and we both looked at her.

"Thanks Nat.. Nice to know I could count on you and your sarcasm." I narrowed my eyes at her and smiled she just smiled back.

"Why don't you show Ben the nursery" she said taking sip of her water, walked out of the kitchen and head for the stairs.

"Nursery?" He looked at me confused.

"Yeah Nat and Rita got together and decorated this amazing nursery in the bedroom across the hall from mine."

"Wanna show me now?" He asked smirking.

"Maybe" I said smirking back at him. Then he helped me off of the counter and we held hands as we walked to the bedroom.

"Wow" Ben said as soon as he walk in.

"I know right, my exact expression when I first walked in here"

"So why does it have a boy and a girl side? You having twins!" He looked at me confused and excited.

"Hell no, I hope not, but it is divided because Nat moved in and she really thinks I'll have a girl and she'll have a boy."

"What if both of y'all have girls or both of y'all have boys?"

"Some redecorating is gonna happen but for now its this"

"I want a boy" I said looking at Ben

"You eat a lot so.. I think it's a girl" he touched my stomach and we smiled at each other.

"I agree!" Nat screamed while walking past the door. I rolled my eyes, shook my head and laughed

"Now let's take a shower" he said pulling me close to him and tiptoed to wrap my hands around his neck.

"Hot or cold shower?" I smirked rubbing my hands gently through his hair.

"We gonna need a cold shower for this" he smirked back.

After we finished our shower we went downstairs to a sad Natalie sitting on the couch.

"Hey Nat what's up" I looked at her with concern and she looked at me with pure sadness.

"Tommy...went to LA for the week to deal with his parents business...and the moment he arrived in LA he called me and told me and right after I got a text" she looked at me and all I saw was sadness and rage in her eyes. "It was from an unknown number...and then they sent me a video." She grabbed her phone off of the table and played the video and before she handed it to me all I heard was loud moans coming from it.


A/N. Wowwwww so this is what life turns into pyschos who terrorize people (das tuff). Anyways what will happened in the next chapter...that's for me to figure out. Thanks for reading <3 😘 and see you in the next chapter 😉.

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