Chapter 25

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Later that same night.

*Isabella's POV*

"Come on guys" I whispered to the rest of them as we walked into Cathy's house from her garage door.

"And we're in here because?" One of them asked.

"We're here to sort of.... Steal some things that mean a lot to her.... Or something like that." I told the person.

"Your like 4 months pregnant but your breaking and entering people's house. What are you gonna be doing when your 7 months pregnant... Robbing a bank?" The other person asked.

"I don't need your sarcasm child....Shut up and start grabbing stuff" I whispered.

"Why are you whispering there is legit no one home" the other went and turn on the living room light.

"Okay then....makes our jobs a lot easier" I started to head upstairs to the hallway where all of the pictures are on the wall I looked at pictures of her and her mother.

"Oooo.... Slim jim!" I heard one of the others squeal from downstairs in the kitchen and I just rolled my eyes. I walked into her room and I saw a picture of her and her father when she was born and I took it. Then I walked across the hall to the room opposite her room and found the most phenomenal nursery.

"Guys! Come look at this!" I screamed at the others and they ran upstairs. We all looked inside of the room and we were all shook.

"Wow" we all said in perfect unison and we stood in that room for like 3 whole minutes. As we were leaving the room my phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out to check it. It was an Instagram post that Cathy posted up, when I opened it, it was a picture of her hand that had this shiny, glistening diamond ring on her finger.

"A diamond ring!" I screamed looking at my phone, when I saw that my heart ached and tears just rolled down my face, I quickly wiped it away, closed the door and headed downstairs.

"Put everything back I already have something that will shake the bitch up" I told them angry and filled with hate, they put all the stuff back and we were out the door. I finally dropped all 4 of them at their houses and was on the way back to Ben's house. That's when everything just came back to me, everything just hit me and I got so upset I pressed my foot so hard on the gas pedal and I didn't even know how fast I was going. All I heard was honking and a bright light then everything went black.

*Cathy's POV*
*ring, ring, ring*
Its like 4 o'clock in the morning and I got up to Ben's phone ringing, I tapped him and then he got up and answered it.

"Yeah?.... What! .... I'm on my way!" Ben got up and started to put on his shoes.

"Ben?! What's going on?" I asked him getting up.

"Isabella's been in a car accident" he said putting on his shirt.

"What! Oh my God!" I said putting on my cardigan and then my shoes. He grabbed my hand, looked me in my eyes and kissed me deeply, reminding me that Isabella means nothing to him and we ran out of the tent. I called nat just to let her know what's going on.

"Hello?" Nat answered sleepily.

"Nat! Get up and wait for hank he'll come  back to take you and Tommy to the hospital." I told her frantically.

"What! What happened?" She practically screamed.

"Bella's been in a car accident"

"Oh my God! Is she okay!"she asked me.

"I-I don't know yet" I told her looking over at Ben who never let go of my hand. Nat hung up the phone and 5 minutes later we arrived at the hospital.

"Hank! Go back to the river as fast as you can and get Nat and Tommy please" I asked hank before running into the emergency entrance to Ben.


A/N. Wow.... Welp I hope she's okay because.... I don't even know if.... She is.... Or not.... I don't know
*Please stand by*
😂 I'm crazy I know, but give this chapter and my previous chapters and my following chapters a vote. Thanks for reading<3😘 and see you in the next chapter😉.

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