Chapter 72

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*Cathy's POV*

"So I cleared the house" Charlette said sliding the box over to me and I opened it to see Ben's family pictures and also a few pictures of he and I. I sighed and grabbed Tommy's hand and our fingers automatically intertwined.

"Thank you I'm so glad dad remembered to call you. Are you sure you cleared out everything?" I asked.

"Yeah I cleared everyth-- wait did you say dad? Isn't your dad dead and has been for six years?" I smiled then my dad spoke.

"I'm not dead yet Char" her eyes widened and she slowly turned around.

"OH MY GOD, IVAN!!!" She ran and jumped on him and he laughed. "How?" She laughed.

"The power of being an ex druglord" Charlette got off of him and stopped laughing.

"Ex? I thought Mark would've given you the seat, considering you're still alive and I also thought he was the one who called me. I knew the voice sounded familiar" she told him while she came to sit down beside me and my dad got the scotch out of the cupboard.

"Two glasses" I told him and he nodded, he filled both and slid me one. I gulped that down and slid the glass back to him. "Keep em coming bartender" I said and he glared at me before filing it again.

"Yeah. Mark would gladly give up the seat but my daughter worked hard to keep it polished and apparently wanted it more than I did. So it's hers I'm just the right hand man now. Maybe I should retire" Charlette looked at me as I gulped my second glass down.

"Dad you love it to much to retire we all know that. Especailly this early in your life" I said to him and he smiled widely.

"You know it" he replied.

"So you the boss now?" She asked surprised looking at me and I nodded. "Wow, so anybody mind telling me why I and a clean up crew of your men had to clear her boyfriend's--" I cut her off.

"Ex. Ex boyfriend" she raised a brow then her eyes fell to my hand and Tommy's that is intertwined.

"Oh. Well, clear her ex boyfriend's house of any trace of him and his parents and apparently..." she dug through the box and pulled out a brush. "A read head who was living there also." She put the brush back.
"Let's not forget the house was filled with dead and a few unconscience bodies"

"Very nice description but it was a Russian mafia who came to kill the vixen I had to save her life" I raised up the hoodie a bit so she could see where I got stabbed in both places and her eyes widened. "Unfortunately, her life was saved and mine was almost lost." I said taking another gulp at my glass of scotch.

"By yourself?" She asked.

"Supposedly but dad, uncle mark and Alex showed up."

"Alex is in town?!! OMG you guys keep surprising me! Where is he?!" I shrugged

"Where is Alex dad?" I asked.

"At the gym with blondie" he responded.

"Oh" Charlette said disappointed. "But back to the point. By yourself are you crazy? There were over a hundred bodies in that house!?"

"She went on a fucking suicide mission and didn't want us to come because she was pissed at her best friend for making her save the bitch so we had to surprise her" my dad chimed in and I sighed.

"We are not gonna get detailed on that right now I don't wanna talk about it. And we made up so shush" I looked at Charlete who seemed to be processing this information.

"Wait. Isnt the vixen your..." I cut her off knowing what she was going to say .

"Enemy? Yeah she is. On and off the field we have been rivals since high school" I gulped my last glass of scotch before Tommy pushed it away from me after taking the empty glass and I gave him a sad look but he just shook his head.

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